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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЮлия Чевкина
1 Watching the world.
2 E - the most common letter of the English alphabet, Q – we use seldom. Almost - the longest word in English, in which all letters are arranged in alphabetical order. "I am." - is the shortest complete sentence in English. The American President Benjamin Franklin gathered more than 200 synonyms of the word "drunk" (en drunk), including such masterpieces as "cherry-merry," "nimptopsical and soaked." In English, there is only one 15 - letter word in which the letters never repeated – «uncopyrightable»
3 At the United Nations, there is only six official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. Short title of the English Christmas "Xmas" contains the first place is not the Latin letter "X", a Greek letter "chi", which was used in medieval manuscripts as an abbreviation for the word "Christ" (ie xus christus ).
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