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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВалерий Голубцов
1 Innovation Strategy Management Lecture 24
2 Programme Part 1 – The basis of Innovation Part 2 – Innovation and New Product Development Part 3 – Innovation and Technology development Part 4 – Innovation and Intellectual Property Part 5 – EU Green paper of Innovation Part 6 – Innovation policies
3 Part 6 Innovation policies
4 Lecture 24: Innovation systems in Latvia The Latvia Technology Park Latvian Technological Center Innovation Relay Centre Latvia
5 THE LATVIA TECHNOLOGY PARK Industry does not exist without Science
6 Status The non-profit organization "Latvijas Tehnoloģiskais parks" Ltd. (LTP) (The Latvia Technology Park) founded on January 23, 1996 and registered on February 19, 1996, in Enterprise Register of Latvia under registration No
7 Aim To promote commercialization of science through modern technologies, by developing and supporting small and medium-size production companies.
8 Innovations: –must have originated in Riga Technical University, the University of Latvia or any other Latvian institution of scientific research, –must be patented, secured by copyright or otherwise protected, –are to prove commercial vitality after thorough market studies.
9 Address for contact –Chairman of the Board Prof.,Dr.hab.sc.ing. Leonids Ribickis – Director Dr.ing.Peteris Reihmanis
10 The founders of LTP are: –Riga Technical University –The University of Latvia –Riga City Council –Latvian Development Agency –Latvian Privatization Agency –Chamber of Trade and Industry of Latvia –LATVENERGO –"Riga Water" Company –"Invest Riga" Ltd. –J/s "Datorsalons ELVA"
11 LTP is supported by: –the Ministry of Education and Science –the Ministry of Economy –the Ministry of Environment and Regional Development
12 LTP is the member of: –IASP - International Association of Science Parks –ICECE - Innovation Centres in Estern and Central Europe –SPICE - Science Park and Innovation Centre Expert –BASTIC - Baltic Association of Science / Technology Parks and Innovation Centres –The Confederation of Latvian Industry –LTICA - Latvian Association of Technological Parks, Centers and Business Incubators
13 LTP has close contacts with: –ORP - Oslo Research Park –FPIA - Federation of Piedmont Industrial Associations –FEMIRC-Latvia - Fellow Member to the Innovation Relay Centres - Latvia –SPAF - Science Park Association of Finland –TSP - Tartu Science Park –TTUIC - Tallin Technical University Innovation Centre –KTUIC - Kaunas Technical University Innovation Centre –Environment Park - Torino Environment Park –BALTIC 21 Institute - for Sustainable Industry –LTC - Latvian Technology Centre –IRC Latvia - Innovation Relay Centres –LEBIC - Latvian Electrical Industry Business Innovation Centre
14 Business Innovation Centre of LTP (LTP BIC) is one of the main parts of LTP structure. Process Control Training Centre. Centres of LTP
15 Business Innovation Centre of LTP (LTP BIC) The Centre constantly provides manufacturers, scientific institutes, industrial enterprises and other local or international institutions and organizations with information about participation opportunities in different projects. The Centre helps in issuing business plans, finding cooperation partners abroad (and vice versa), offers consultancy in protection and evaluation of intelectual property. LTP BIC works together with technological managers in the University of Latvia (the Institute of Solid state physics), Riga Aviation University, Riga Technical University, Latvian University of Agriculture and the Business Incubator of LTP.
16 Process Control Training Centre LTP in cooperation with the Swedish firm Reglertekniska Ingenjorsburan AB (RIB) and Riga Technical University have established a Process Control Training Centre. The Centre offers training courses in process control and industrial measurements. 5-day training courses are developed for technical people from manufacturing enterprises to improve their qualification in the use of advanced microprocessor control and measurements. Programs and schedules of the courses are worked out together with RIB, which also produces modern laboratory stands in process control.
17 Activities and services Contents: –Promotion of innovation –Realization of the "Spinn-off" program –Transfer of technologies –Leasing –Office and other operative services rendered to enterprises –The basic services of the incubator –BIC information service
18 Promotion of innovation –Within LTP, measures are undertaken to favor innovative activities. International services, patenting and other consultations will be available in LTP. LTP is organising forums of enterprises, seminars on exchanges of technology, festivals with the participation of leading and prospective entrepreneurs.
19 Realization of the "Spinn-off" program –It is planned to start the LTP "Spin-off" program, including the Riga Technical University, the University of Latvia, Latvenergo and "Riga Water" Company. Developing the program further with the assistance of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and the Latvian Development Agency it will involve the majority of the biggest Latvian enterprises.
20 Transfer of technologies –Activity of the technology transfer is closely related to the "Spin-off" program basically using the same organizational structure with additional foreign management.
21 Leasing –LTP will rent out premises for enterprises according to very different needs. It will be possible for LTP to rent out premises, starting from the small office of 15 m2 up to a small technologically oriented industrial enterprise of 500 m2. –A wide land area with convenient parking places and green zones has been placed at the disposal of LTP. –The enterprises will be able to use separate heated and unheated warehouses. –LTP will include premises for meetings, training and conferences with general-purpose furniture and specialized equipment.
22 Office and other operative services rendered to enterprises –Within LTP a wide range of services is rendered for enterprises of the park and others. It will be possible to be served in LTP starting from the office and secretariat and up to complicated technological and legal consultations. These services will be rendered by the personnel of the LTP, other involved or invited firms or persons, depending on the need and economical justification.
23 The basic services of the incubator: –telecommunications: Phone; Fax. –data communication: LAN; Internet. –office service: Copying; Mailing service; Secretary; Office supply. –restaurant service: Lunch cafeteria. –basic information service: Basic business literature and newspapers.
24 BIC information service: –EU data base and literature, –Latvian data base and business literature, –ICECE, IASP data bases and news, –International networks.
25 Latvian Technological Center
26 LTC is in the classic form established technological or business and innovation centre. It was established in 1993 as a test-bed for the development of innovation and technology oriented SMEs support structures in Latvia. By its legal status LTC is non-profit limited liability (Ltd) company initiated and financed by the public organisations - ministries, municipalities. Since 1997, LTC is the contractor of the EC project in the framework of the INCO-COPERNICUS program. The goal of this project was to create the innovation support and information unit IRC-LATVIA (Innovation Relay Centre) in Latvia.
27 Contacts: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia Tel ; Fax
28 IRC Latvia
29 Jānis Stabulnieks – Project Coordinator. IRC LATVIA is a joint European Commission - Latvian project, realised by the Latvian Technological Center. IRC LATVIA is a full member of the European Innovation Relay Centre Network for promotion and support of stabile international cooperation in technology transfer and innovation.
30 The goal of IRC LATVIA: –to promote saturation capacity of new technologies of Latvian SME, supporting them in development of excisting technologies, in development and utilization of new technologies, by using EU trans-national technology cooperation services.
32 NATIONAL CONCEPT ON INNOVATION 1.Problem description. 2.Prognosis on consequences that will occur if the innovation issue is not tackled. 3.Solving of the problem. 4.Overview of required legal acts. Accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia February 27, 2001 Protocol No. 9, § 39
33 Innovation ( innovation related activity) is defined as a process, where new ideas and technologies from scientific, technical, social, culture or other spheres are transformed into a competitive and market demanded product or service. (When elaborating the National Programme on Innovation, the definition will be supplemented by certain criteria, which will help in assessment of innovation related activities.)
34 State policy on innovation development is a set of measures initiated, performed and co-ordinated by government: legal acts and administrative norms, priorities and mechanisms for setting them, instruments for implementation, etc., that ensures a coherent, sustainable and balanced innovation related actions.
35 National Innovation System is defined as structure of national economy and environment necessary for productive innovation. Innovation system has four basic components: 1) research (science and education); 2) entrepreneurship; 3) investment (financial system); 4) legislation.
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