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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемИннокентий Френкель
1 My favorite holiday.
2 Special Days in Britain. 1.A New Years resolution is… 1.A New Years resolution is… a) something you will try to do better next year; b) a card you send to your family and friends to wish them happy New Year; c) a kind of cake eaten on January 1 st. 2. Independence Day is… a) is when England united with Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; b) is the same day as the day World War 2 ended; c) doesnt exist in Britain.
3 3. Mother's Day is… a) when mothers get presents and cards; b) when mothers do not have to go to work; c) when mothers send presents and cards to their children. 4. Remembrance Day is… a) when we remember the Royal Family; b) when we remember those who died in the World Wars; c) a public holyday in November.
4 5. Good Friday is… a) when we give thanks for English saint-Saint George; b) when we celebrate the Queens birthday; c) the Friday before Easter. 6. Every year a New Year tree is represented to London by people of.. a) Finland; b) Norway; c) biggest car factory.
5 Adverbs Наречия мы образуем от прилагательных при помощи окончания –ly: slow-slowly. slow-slowly. Некоторые наречия ничем не отличаются от прилагательных: Fast, late, hard, early. Badly, well, fast, late, hard, awfully and busily. Early, quickly, little, much. You can learn them EASILY!!!
6 Christmas Day. Beautifully, slowly, quietly, well, quickly, busily, suddenly, fast, happily, nicely. 1.Rone woke up ___ ran to the window. 2.Some more snow was ___ and ___ falling on the trees. 3.There was a ___ painted pencil box. 4.They were all ___ wrapped in shining colored paper. 5.Nowegian style sweater ___ knitted by Rones grandmother. 6.He opened it and it stated to play a _____ known tune. 7.____ he heard the same tune coming from the living room. 8. He ran downstairs as ___ as he could singing ____.
7 Traditional celebrations in America. Thanksgiving Day. Independence Day. St. Valentines Day. Read the information about the best known holidays. Match the texts with the names of the holidays and the descriptions of how they are celebrated.
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