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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАндрей Воротынский
1 William Shakespeare – Immortal Poet of All Times There is no darkness but ignorance. (Twelfth Night)
2 Some biographical notes Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-on- Avon
3 Shakespeares House
4 Inside Shakesperes House
5 Some biographical notes Parents John and Mary Arden Shakespeare Seven brothers and sisters Grammar School from age 7 to 13
6 His Marriage to Anne Hathaway In 1582 at the age of 18 William married Anne Hathaway (who was 9 years older than himself)
7 Annas House
8 What else have you learnt about Shakespeares family? Anne was …, he was 18 3 children(Susannah, the eldest and the twins – a son, Hamnet and a daughter, Judith) The youngest, Hamnet died at the age of 11
9 London went to London at 21 joined a travelling company of actors worked both as an actor and a writer
10 True or False 1. Shakespeare was born in the 17 th centure. (In the 16th) 2. William married late, his wife was younger than himself. (He married early, he was younger than his wife) 3. William had three children: the daughter Susannah and the twin sons. (The twins were a son and a daughter) 4. His wife loved theatre. (She didnt love.) 5. Shakespeare died on his birthday. (Yes.)
11 The Globe Theatre a stage a round building Galleries – places for the rich no roof Places for common people a cellar
12 It is my life…
13 Shakespeares characters
14 Comedies The Comedy of Errors. The Taming of the Shrew. Alls Well that Ends Well. A Midsummer Nights Dream. Much Ado about Nothing. Twelfth Night.
15 Tragedies Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Othello. King Lear. Macbeth. Romeo and Juliet.
16 Historical Plays Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Richard III.
17 Some Shakespeares statements: The beginning at the end. – Начало конца. The whirling of time. – Превратности судьбы. Theres the rub. – Вот в чём загвоздка. All is well that ends well. – Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
18 Try to interpret these quotations: Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth Night) Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet) Cowards die many times before their deaths. (Julius Caesar) There is no darkness but ignorance. (Twelfth Night). The wish is the father of the thought. (King Henry IV) To be or not to be? That is the question. (Hamlet)
19 The end of his life Return to Stratford in 1610 Destruction of the Globe Theatre in 1613 (the Great Fire of London) In 1616 Shakespeare died on April, 23 (on his birthday!)
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