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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАртём Иванченко
2 The Present Continuous Tense Learn easily! Автор – Дьяченко О.П.
3 V-ing Play – playing Make – making Sit – sitting Lie – lying
4 Now you try! paint go give look swim smile tie buy shop listen plan call sleep wait - painting - going - giving - looking - swimming - smiling - tying - buying - shopping - listening - planning - calling - sleeping - waiting
5 Hello! My name is Lucy. Look at me! I am playing the violin. I am painting. I am skipping.
6 Look at them! They are athletes. He is playing tennis. She is skiing. He is running. She is cycling.
7 Look out of the window! A dog is barking. A bird is flying. The wind is blowing. It is raining.
8 Look at us! We are musicians! We are playing music and singing. They are dancing. You are looking and listening.
9 am=m is=s are=re I am skipping. Im skipping. She is skiing.Shes skiing. They are dancing. Theyre dancing.
10 Present Continuous positive Iam V -ing. He She It is You We They are
13 not The lion is jumping. – It is not dancing. I am working. – I am not sleeping. We are talking. – We are not working.
14 Present Continuous negative Iam not V -ing. He She It is not You We They are not
16 Am I skating? No, you arent. Am I making a snowman? Yes, you are. Are they having dinner? No, they arent. Are they reading a book? Yes, they are. Is he watching a film? No, he isnt. Is he playing a video game? Yes, he is. Are you sleeping? No, Im not. Are you playing with your kite? Yes, I am!
17 What is he doing? How well are they playing? Who is speaking? Why are you shaking hands? Where is the bear going?
20 Good luck!!!
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