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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАлина Бахметьева
1 Is school uniform a necessary thing? Подготовила: ученица 10 «Б» класса МОУ-СОШ 9 Абдуразакова Анна Проверила: учитель английского языка Разволяева Алина Валерьевна
2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Good and bad points of school uniform 3. The history of Russian school uniform 4. The results of my school survey 5. Conclusion
3 StudentsTeachers
4 Uniform – having the same form.
5 Originally, school uniforms were introduced to hide the social differences between students. There are several types of economic bullying which can be lessened by use of school uniforms.
6 Positive aspects 1. School uniform gives you a sense of school identity.
7 2. It is practical and comfortable to wear.
8 3. You dont have to worry about what to wear.
9 4. School uniform reduces class differences.
10 5. Uniform is usually cheaper than everyday dress.
11 6. Uniforms can be handed down to other children in the family.
12 7. Wearing a uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work.
13 8. School uniform has strictness which make children study at school more seriously.
14 Bad aspects 1. Uniform is often not practical to wear. Designs are often old-fashioned.
15 2. Forcing children to wear uniform can ignore their religious and cultural needs.
16 3. Its not good preparation for working, because only a few jobs require uniforms and many of these are low-paid service jobs.
17 4. Its not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or breaks.
18 5. Some uniforms can look not very neat.
19 6. You can get fed up with wearing the same every day.
20 7. It can be very expensive.
21 8. You get into trouble if you dont wear uniform.
22 Russian school uniform The history of school uniform in Russia 1834 – the law about the school uniform for boys – the law about the school uniform for girls.
23 1919 – school uniform was canceled – new school uniform in the USSR was introduced.
24 1962 – the style of Soviet school uniform was modernized.
25 Badges October children Komsomol members
26 1992 – school uniform was cancelled.
27 Modern school uniform into brown Soviet-style.
28 My school survey 80 teenagers were asked
29 Every child has the right to express his/her individuality. (the Convention)
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