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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЯков Вощинин
1 Nature is under Threat
2 Picture Dictation Global Warming
3 Greenhouse effect
4 Picture Dictation Acid Rains
5 Picture Dictation Deforestation
6 Desert
7 Why are global? What will happen if … 1) If the Earth (to get) warmer the ice at the North and South Poles (to melt). 2) If the ice (to melt) at the North and South Poles the sea level (to rise). 3) If the sea level (to rise) there (to be) floods in many parts of the world. 4) If there (to be) floods in many parts of the world many people (to lose) their homes and lands. 5) If people (to lose) their homes and lands forest (to be) cut down and wild territories (to be filled) with houses stores. 6) If wild territories (to be filled) with houses and stores many animals and plants (to be) under threat.
8 For every evil under the sun There is a remedy or none To find a remedy we need to know what evil is. Key: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4d. 1. Greenhouse effect 1. Greenhouse effect a) holes in the atmosphere; 2. Acidrains 2. Acid rains b) the climate changes all over the world, the temperature rises; 3. The destruction of the ozone layer 3. The destruction of the ozone layer c) rains with chemical substances which may destroy things it touches; 4.Deforestation 4. Deforestation d) to cut down the trees and not to replant;
9 Every day there are more and more people living on the Earth. All these people need room to live. So forests are Cut down and wild areas are filled with houses and stores. Group I Answer the questions: 1.Why else do people cut down trees? 2.What are the trees for? 3.Does it influence the balance of nature? Reading text 12 p. 13
10 Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, Rivers and lakes, and the creatures that live in Them. In some places it is killing Forests. And it pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink. Group II Task – describe the picture after reading text 8 p. 12.Dont forget the rule of a group.
11 Group II Describe the picture: observations, facts, inferences, assumptions, opinions. Acid rains
12 The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases that act just like a greenhouse. The sun shines in, and the blanket of gases traps the heat like a roof,keeping it close to the planet. Group III Task: Read text 8 p. 11 and write down if - chain
13 If the Earths temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees it can change the weather all over the planet. If the temperature rises the ice will melt…
14 When power plants burn coal to make electricity And when cars burn gasoline Invisible gases are released Into the air. Some of these Gases can mix with Water and make it acidic Like lemon juice or vinegar.
15 Group I Group II Group III Behave yourself as a part of nature a part of nature Improve public transport Stop logging companies Ban aerosol cans Find alternative energy Recycle things Create special parks for animals Give opportunity to work from home Use bicycles Plant a tree Dont throw litter Stop making fires in the forests Stop smoking – smoke pollute the air
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