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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАлёна Шуринова
1 Description Research of colour and sound background of poems (according to the book by A.P. Zhuravlev Sound and Meaning vowels in our perception are quite definitely and basically all the same coloured) with the usage of a spreadsheet and graphical illustration of poems by means of IT. Applications Microsoft Office Excel, VBA, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, graphic editor, Web- browser Technical means: Personal computers, which have an access to the Internet Tags colour and sound background, poem, research, Microsoft Excel Author Gulshat Ivantsova, the teacher of IT The project name Colourful music of a verse Learning Areas :Information Technology, Literature Levels :students of 9-11 forms, the age – Objectives: To improve skills in poetry analysing; To be able to use knowledge in different situations of subjects integration; to feel the need of Excel usage ; To improve basic IT skills; To form the experience of research work; To encourage students to create, to make research work. Аннотация проекта
2 Topicality Ideological part: Technical part: This research allows us to study poetry at a new level: the level of colour perception. Investigation of students own or favourite poems can analyze your attitude. Technical part: Currently, the social need is: Mastering office information technology Ability to work with multimedia documents Create computer presentations Ability to work with spreadsheets Mastering the means of visual object-oriented programming Expected results Among the students those are revealed who are interested in profound knowledge of IT and its application in different fields. This research enables them to consolidate the following skills: to analyze poems to research colour& sound background of poems using spreadsheet for accounting, graphic editor for illustrations to enter formulas using different hrefs; to use filters; to make diagrams to use Visual Basic in the appendix to Excel. To make research work correctly, to make conclusions To present the results by means of Microsoft PowerPoint The projects program: The educational environment of the project The additional information Work of students Планирование проекта
3 Teaching materials Methodic instruction The guide for students Additional information Учебно-методические материалы
4 Criteria of an estimation 1.Estimated criteria of the calculation in Excel 1.Estimated criteria of work design 3. Public presentation of a project (School research conference) Оценка и стандарты
5 School: School 63, Penza, Region Penza. Author: Gulshat Ivantsova The Information Technology teacher of Higher category Work experience – 18 years I like my profession, Im fond of poetry The main hobby is to take care of my family and hobbies of my children (drawing and music)
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