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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемБорис Головко
1 Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 1
2 UNIVERSITY IS INNOVATION CENTER OF CONTINUOUS TRAINING Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» The University is a multidisciplinary economic and technological institution directed for the training of specialists in the field of food technology, consumer goods, merchandising, food biotechnology, automation, economics and management, in the field of service, human and social sciences. 2
3 University, established in 1919, was under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia until 2005 and was a basic high school of training specialists for branches of industry. HISTORICAL, EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL TRADITIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY Rector of St.-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics PhD, Professor Nina V. Pankova Petrograd Institute of National Economy Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade behalf of F. Engels St. Petersburg Institute of Trade and Economics Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» For more than 90 years of history the University of Trade and Economics has become a multidistsiplinary educational, scientific, production and innovation complex which has trained more than graduates. In 1980 it was awarded the Order of Red Banner of Labor for its contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel. 3
4 UNIVERSITY OF TRADE AND ECONOMICS IS A MULTILAYERED AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL CENTER Today University is a multilayered and multidisciplinary educational center which trains specialists of working professions, employees of skilled labor, bachelors of higher education, masters, graduate students and doctoral candidates. Education and training is carried out in more than 30 areas of training, including 70 programs of all levels of education. The University consists of 5 enlarged faculties, 32 departments, research and education centers, Economic and Technological College of Nutrition, 3 small innovative enterprises and business incubator. Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics».. According to monitoring of efficiency of universities in Russia in % of our University graduates are employed and 69% work in the specialty. 4
5 UNIVERSITY TRAINS BACHELORS IN HIGHER EDUCATION «Technology of products and catering" in the following branches: «Production technology and organization of restaurant business» «Technology and organization of industrial production of culinary products and confectionery» «Biotechnology» in the following branches : «Food Biotechnology» «Information Security "in the following branches: «Information security of business technologies in services» «Quality Management» «Economics» in the following branches: «Accounting, analysis and audit» «Finance and Credit» «The economics of organization» «Analysis of the Markets» «Trade Policy» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 5
6 UNIVERSITY TRAINS BACHELORS IN HIGHER EDUCATION «Management» in the following branches: «Management of the organization (company)» «Human Resource Management» «Financial Management» «Trading Business» in the following branches: Organization and management of the business in the field of trade" "Marketing and advertising in the services sector' "Logistics in commercial activity» "International trade "Commodity" in the following branches: "Commodity and examination of goods in domestic and foreign trade" "Commodity and examination of goods (at the stages of storage, transportation and sale)" «Sociology» « Advertising and Public Relations in the following branches : Advertising and public relations in the sphere of services "Service" in the following branches : "Service in the hotel and restaurant business" "Service technological equipment in the service sector" " Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 6
7 UNIVERSITY IMPLEMENTS MASTER PROGRAMS "Technology of production and catering" in the following branches: "The organization of production and service at the enterprises the food industry" "The technology of products of functional and special purpose" "Quality Management" in the following branches: Quality management of goods and services" "Economics" in the following branches: "Accounting, analysis and audit in the management of the organization "Economics and Financial Management "Economics of the firm "Monitoring and forecasting market conditions "Trade Policy" "Management" in the following branches: "General and Strategic Management» "Human Resource Management" "Logistics Management" "Marketing management technologies" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 7
8 UNIVERSITY IMPLEMENTS MASTER PROGRAMS "The trading business" in the following branches: "The organization and management of business processes in the field of trade" "Internet Marketing" "Commodity" in the following branches: "Commodity and examination of products from fish and seafood "Commodity and examination of product of a functional purpose "Technical regulation of goods for children "Sociology" in the following branches: "Sociology of business" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 8
9 RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY The University has more than 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students of all forms of education. Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics The educational process is provided by more than 400 full-time teachers, 67% of them are PhDs. University implements programs for postgraduates and postdoctoral study The University consists of : Faculty of Management and Business Technologies, Finance and Economics Faculty, Faculty of Trade and Consumer Goods Examination, Technological Faculty, Faculty of Top Skills Training, Technological College of Nutrition, Center of Additional Education Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 9
10 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» Development of innovative activity Building a technological platform based on the convergent technologies for the realization of the obtained methods, models, and intellectual property through the integration of research, scientific, educational, scientific and production activities of the university, providing for the creation and collaboration of specialized clusters INNOVATION ACTIVITY AT THE UNIVERSITY 10
11 Research and Education Centers (REC): REC 1 "Modeling, analysis and forecasting of socio-economic processes and systems" REC 2 "Modern technologies in the field of public catering and examination of consumer goods" REC 3 "Design and analysis of strategies and technologies of personnel training for the sphere of trade and public catering" REC 4 "Food engineering of functional and medical preventive nutrition" REC 5 "Problems of accounting, auditing and taxation" REC 6 "Strategic management and economic security" REC 7 "International trade, communications and corporate diplomacy" REC 8 "The Center of technological competences" REC 9 "Modern technologies in the field of non-food and food security special contingents" REC 10 "The protection of information resources infotelecommunication systems" REC 11 "Innovative communications in the Northwest macro-region of Russia" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 11
12 PATENT ACTIVITY Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 12
13 Limited Liability Company "A small innovative enterprise "Bioresource" SMALL INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 13
14 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» Limited Liability Company "A small innovative enterprise "Food Technologies" SMALL INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES 14
15 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» Limited Liability Company "A small innovative enterprise "The center of business activity" SMALL INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES 15
16 University is a center for the implementation of Governmental training programs Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» Project-oriented programs on "Management": Effective Management of organization "Management of foreign economic activities of the organization» Training programs "City - Management : "Effective management municipal entity" "Effective management of housing and communal services" Presidential program of management training for national economy of the Russian Federation 16
17 UNIVERSITY IS ALL-RUSSIAN CENTER FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION PUBLIC SECTOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» St. Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics is the basic educational organization of higher education, providing methodological support for the training of qualified personnel in the field of trade policy and the rules of the World Trade Organization and carrying out professional training and retraining of civil servants of the Russian Federation and municipal employees of large municipal entities. UNIVERSITY IS RUSSIAN CENTER IMPLEMENTING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR PUBLIC SECTOR 17
18 University is Federal specialized Competence Centers WorldSkills Russia Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» Main tasks and responsibilities of Metodical Competence Center : The university created a specialized competence Federal center WorldSkills Russia and methodical competence center which successfully operate. Audit of professional standards Definition of the mechanism of implementation of standards for competence: "Cook - chef, cook - confectioner, restaurant service" Development of additional educational modules Educational programs of vocational education Development of training and methodological support Development and implementation of training programs for teachers of specialized academic disciplines and professional modules; Basic professional educational programs vocational education Organization and carrying out of joint scientific workshops, conferences and other events. 18
19 Private and state partnership of the University in the training of qualified personnel for companies and organizations of the Russian economy Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Model of private and state partnership is realized by the University in the training of qualified personnel for enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy specialists training materials material and technical base On the basis of private and state partnership the University Center of Additional Education implemented more than 60 programs of professional training and professional development. The Center trained more than 900 students in programs were implemented outside of St. Petersburg, 2 of them on the basis of international educational centers, the Universitys partners in Germany. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» agreement on cooperation contract, employment contract, Paid services agreement organizational costs 19
20 University is a center for the implementation of Governmental training programs Presidential training program of engineering personnel: Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics "Modern technologies of improving energy efficiency and resource saving " "Innovative technologies of renewable energy at decontamination and remediation of landfills to recycling plants " "Modern principles and methods of organization of food and biotechnological industries " Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» 20
21 MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASIS OF THE UNIVERSITY Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» The University has its own set of buildings with a total area of more than m². University includes administrative and educational buildings, classes and specialized laboratories, dormitories, sports halls, canteens and buffets. 21
22 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics» T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! W ELCOME TO S AINT -P ETERSBURG S TATE U NIVERSITY OF T RADE AND E CONOMICS ! 22
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