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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВасилий Бедарев
1 Made by Kyrylchuk Andrew
2 Snoop dogg
3 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent Growing up without the father and with little sister he had the hard childhood. Tupac-Amaru felt as the grown-up person early: being 15 year old he left the school to start rapping… Maybe, his memories about it could never let him to live peacefully. Being 23 he founded the special club for children of school age, which worked after the lessons.
4 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent Here you can see them during the concert in the small club. After Americans heard their first album, the discussion had place: what of next things will do the worst harm to them – drugs, pornography, bad fast food or rap of Geto Boyz? They were going hard.
5 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent Snoop Dogg (Earlier called Snoop Doggy Dogg) nowadays should be called the classical rapper. He has near twenty years of experience and has the right to be called the black bishop of West Side. He has the contracts and songs featuring all the old stars and young talents.
6 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent He also deserved to be the black bishop, but the bishop of East Side. He has the equal age as Snoopy. He made the greatest gift to the world: rose Eminem and made him, what he is now. DR.DRE
7 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent White era on the East Side EminEm, the greatest white rapper of all the world changed the imagination about rap. He made the thematic wider and showed us the problems, which we never spoke about before.
8 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent WE MAKE THE FIGHT MUSIC!- MOTO OF D-12 (also called Dirty Dozen) The last months D-Twizzy gives us nothing to know about them, but in their active there are two prestige prizes Grammy
9 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent His first album Flesh of my flesh-blood of my blood became 4 times platinum. And now he is the rapper, whose CDs are the bestsellers in whole the world.
10 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent 2 ND EMINEM Some people called him black EMINEM because the lives of them bought are one like another, and the songs are about near the same.
11 2pacGeto boyzSnoop doggDr.dreEminEmD12DMXX-zibit50-cent Maybe, the history goes around, now we can see 50Cent beefing with Kanye West & Fat Joe, last of them will be murdered late or early, I guess.
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