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1 ECVET A European tool for transnational mobilities IVETA Conference Saint Petersburg Risto Virkkunen, Kainuu Vocational College, Finland
2 Thanks This presentation is based on the presentations of Ms Hanna Autere from Finnish National Board of Education and Mr Mika Saarinen from Cimo, Centre of International Mobility. Also on the material got from Finnish ECVET Expert programme.
3 Finnish school system
4 Vocational education and training VET is an attractive choice, about 50 % of basic education leavers (16 years old) continue in upper secondary vocational education Number of students in initial VET has increased (from to during independent, multi-branch providers of VET Institutions are owned and operated mostly by municipalities or groups of municipalities
5 Providers of vocational education and training Finnish tradition of VET is school-centred VET schools are equipped to enable real hands-on learning of working skills
6 Three different ways of to acquire a vocational qualification School-/curriculum based education (initial vocational education). In 2011 there were completed vocational qualifications. Competence-based examinations Vocational qualifications indicate competence to enter employment in the field in Further vocational qualifications indicate the vocational skills required of skilled worker in the field completed in Specialist vocational qualifications indicate a command of the most demanding tasks in the field completed in Apprenticeship training
7 Cooperation with working life On the job learning periods Vocational Skills demonstrations Individual learning pathways Individualisation of adult education Competence-based-qualifications for adults Apprenticeship training
8 Design, assessment, validation and recognition of competences / learning outcomes in Finland Design: National qualification requirements defined by the FNBE Qualifications divided into units Units composed on basis of functions in working life Preparation of VQs in tripartite expert groups
9 Design, assessment, validation and recognition of competences / learning outcomes in Finland Assessment: Skills demonstrations or competence–based exam. Assessment based on qualitative criteria and achieved learning outcome Tripartite assessment Assessment criteria of each unit at three levels
10 Design, assessment, validation and recognition of competences / learning outcomes in Finland Recognition: Recognition of prior learning regulated by legislation Recognition based on learning outcomes - not on learning time. VET provider decides on the recognition For theory and practice one mark in certificate
11 What is ECVET? European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training ECVET is a technical framework for the transfer, recognition and, where appropriate, accumulation of individuals learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification It enables the documentation, validation and recognition of achieved learning outcomes acquired abroad, in both formal VET or in non-formal contexts
12 What is ECVET? European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training It is centered on the individual, based on the validation and the accumulation of his/her learning outcomes, defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for achieving a qualification. ECVET is a system designed to operate at the European level, interfacing with national systems and arrangements for credit accumulation and transfer.
13 ECVET in Education Policy Finnish Government Education and Research development plan The vocational qualification system is to be developed so that it forms a clear and systematic entity from the perspective of the competence requirements of the working life. ECVET will be introduced in all vocational qualifications in 2015.
14 Steps towards ECVET implementation in Finland ECVET Imple mentat ion 2015 Implementation Plan 2010 Information and training of stakeholders…
15 Why ECVET? ECVET supports pedagogical changes – Learning outcomes -approach – Working-life approach ECVET fosters quality and transparency Mobility is a priority – individualisation of learning pathways – National mobility – Transnational mobility
16 Why ECVET in transnational mobilities The aim is to make easier the transfer, accumulation and recognition of learning outcomes To make sure that learning abroad can be utilized as a part of the qualification Makes possible to build individual learning paths
17 Mobility statistics, Finland
18 FINECVET National pilot project on application of ECVET in Finland FINECVET Phases 1st:12/2004 – 12/2005 2nd: 8/2006 – 12/2007 3rd: 9/2009 – 12/2011 Focus on transnational mobility, ECVET process, documentation and quality assurance Main outcomes: FINECVET handbook for Finnish VET providers and qualification committeesFINECVET handbook 12/finecvet_as_a_pioneer
19 Common language in mobility -Mutual trust -Memorandum of Understanding -Learning Agreement -Units of Learning Outcome -Assessment, Validation and Recognition -Transcript of records
22 Templates of M of U and learning agreement European Commission has created templates of documents. They can be edited according to the needs of the partners. They can be found e.g. here Kainuu Vocational College and State budget educational institution of secondary vocational education of Moscow College of communications # 54 created their own MoU in 2014 for reciprocal student mobilities.MoU
24 ECVET lessons learnt Added value of ECVET needs to be clear Strong political commitment needed NQF and ECVET preparations at the same time Cooperation with all stakeholders at all levels for mutual trust Piloting with mobility needed for understanding impact of ECVET and changes needed for implementation Keeping it simple and understandable - focus on process and learning outcomes Training of all stakeholders needs to be well planned and takes time
25 Steps towards Ecvet and its national implementation Drawing-up implementation plan – 1st draft by FNBE to Ministry of Education 11/2010 – Consultation seminar with stakeholders 3/2011 – Revision of implementation plan 5/2011 – Cooperation group with Ed.provid. 11/2011- Steering Committee: Min.EdC, FNBE, Social partners/other stakeholders and Working group: Min.EdC. and FNBE ( )
26 The main objectives of the law proposal for vocational education To strengthen the competence based determination of vocational qualifications To strengthen the structure based on units in order to support the buildning of individual study paths To promote validation and recognition of prior lesrning as a part of the qualification To take in use ECVET points instead of present study weeks
27 ECVET points According to the ECVET recommendation learning outcomes of one year in full time education equal 60 ECVET points So a vocational qualification will be 180 ECVET points To each unit will be allocated ECVET points according to its relative importance of the whole qualification
28 ECVET points The transfer of Study weeks to ECVET points will not be done by multiplying with 1,5. Instead it will be done according to principles in ECVET recommendation The relative value of each unit will determined according : 1. How important it is: for participation in the labour market for continueing the studies on upper levels for social integration 2.How difficult, broad and comprehensive are the learning outcomes 3.How much time and efforts the student has put in order to reach learning outcomes
29 Thank you!
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