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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемИлья Паскевич
1 Can – могу, умею Can, could – вежливая просьба May –разрешите (вежливая просьба) May, might – возможно, вероятно Must – должен (моральный долг) Have to – вынужден в силу обстоятельств Should, ought – следует (совет)
2 Сan, could, will be able to Ability (возможность, способность) I can read Italian but I cant speak it. can/ could Possibility, probability (возможность, вероятность) Scotland can be very warm in September. Can/could Asking for and giving the permission (просьба о разрешении) Can you come and see me tomorrow. Can/ could Making orders, requests, and offers (распоряжения, просьбы, предложения) Can I carry your bag?
3 May/might Possibility, probability. (возможность, вероятность) May/ might/ be allowed to Asking for, giving or refusing the permission.(просьба о разрешении, разрешение или отказ) She might be there tomorrow.-may I turn on the TV? -Yes you may.
4 PresentPastFuture Can may must Have/ has to couldWill be able to might Will be allowed to Had to Will have to Had toWill have to
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