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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемАнна Эристова
2 Exploring the World Wonders of the World
3 The Pharos of Alexandria The Pharos of Alexandria was a tower built in the 3 rd century BC (between 285 and 247 BC) on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt to serve as that port's landmark, and later, its lighthouse. The Pharos of Alexandria was a tower built in the 3 rd century BC (between 285 and 247 BC) on the island of Pharos in Alexandria, Egypt to serve as that port's landmark, and later, its lighthouse.
4 Pyramids The pyramids of Egypt, among the largest constructions ever built by man, constitute one of the most potent and enduring symbols of ancient Egyption civilization. It is generally accepted by most archeologists that they were constructed as burial monuments. The pyramids of Egypt, among the largest constructions ever built by man, constitute one of the most potent and enduring symbols of ancient Egyption civilization. It is generally accepted by most archeologists that they were constructed as burial monuments.
5 The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The site of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus in Turkey: Some stacked remnants recreate columns, but nothing remains of the original temple
6 Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Statue of Zeus at Olympia is one of the classicalSeven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was carved by the famed classical sculptor Phidias (5 th century BC) circa435 BC in Olympia.
7 The Hanging Gardens of Babilon The Hanging Gardens of Babilon (also known as Hanging Gardens of Semirami ) and the walls of Babylon (present-day ) were considered one of theSeven Wonders of the World. They were both supposedly built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC. The Hanging Gardens of Babilon (also known as Hanging Gardens of Semirami ) and the walls of Babylon (present-day ) were considered one of theSeven Wonders of the World. They were both supposedly built by Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC.
8 The Colossos of Rhodes The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of thegod Helios, erected on the Greek island by Chares of Lindos, a pupil of Lisippos, between 292 BC and 280 BC. It was roughly the same size as the Statue of Liberty inNew York, although it stood on a lower Platform. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of thegod Helios, erected on the Greek island by Chares of Lindos, a pupil of Lisippos, between 292 BC and 280 BC. It was roughly the same size as the Statue of Liberty inNew York, although it stood on a lower Platform. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
9 TheMausoleum at Halicarnassus The Mausoleum was named after a man it was built for in 353 BC.The tomb made a great impression on anyone who saw it. Today only a few fragments of the Mausoleum remain. The Mausoleum was named after a man it was built for in 353 BC.The tomb made a great impression on anyone who saw it. Today only a few fragments of the Mausoleum remain.
10 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland London – the capital of Great Britain London – the capital of Great Britain
11 Moscow Novodevichy Convent in summer Novodevichy Convent in winter
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