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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемИван Савелов
2 Name numerals from 11 to 100!
3 Give answers! = = = = = = = =
4 Listen and read!
5 Read! grey play say
6 Read the words! [ ei ] [ e] bread, eat, grey, read, healthy, breakfast, away, speak, play, please, teacher, say, today, may, head, pen
7 Lets have a rest! Touch your head, Touch your nose, Touch your ears, Touch your toes. Jump and run. Lets have fun! Wash your face, Wash your hands, Clean your teeth, Be healthy, please!
9 What, Where, When, How, Why. … does the boy go to school? … has he got? … does he see a green frog? … can the boy swim? … is his teacher sad?
10 Write a story! My friend goes to … in the morning. His jeans are … and his shirt is …. He … nice! He has got a … bag with books, pens and pencils. In the park he sees a …. It can … well. My friend can … well, too!
11 Homework Workbook: Lesson 27 Write a story (по желанию)
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