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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЕкатерина Карголомская
1 СВОЯ ИГРА (Английский язык 8-11 класс)
2 Geography Political system Famous people Holidays
3 Where is Russia situated?
4 What is the deepest lake in Russia?
5 These mountains separate Europe from Asia.
6 Who is the head of state in Russia?
7 Who was the first Russian President?
8 At what age can people elect the President of Russia?
9 What is the main law of the Russian Federation?
10 Dynasties of Russian monarchs.
11 Who wrote these wordsСкажи-ка, дядя, ведь недаром Москва, спаленная пожаром, французу отдана?
12 What great scientist founded Moscow University in 1755?
13 Who made a tour around the Earth that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes?
14 What was the surname of the Russian tsar, Peter the Great?
15 These Russian seamen made the first voyage round the world at the beginning of the 19 century?
16 What is the most popular holiday in Russia?
17 What holiday is celebrated in honor of women?
18 This holiday is celebrated on the 25 of December in the UK. In Russia it is celebrated on the 7 of January.
19 What holiday marks the end of winter and lasts for a week?
20 Many people try to jump into water, even those who cant swim. When does it happen?
21 Geography Culture Traditions. Holidays Sport
22 When is the United Kingdom situated?
23 How many parts does the UK consist of?
24 Name the river London is situated on?
25 What ocean is the UK washed by?
26 The longest river in the UK is …
27 What is the national emblem of England?
28 The official residence of the Queen.
29 What is the nickname of the London's Underground?
30 What bird do the British take care of?
31 How many bronze lions can you see at the foot of the monument to Admiral Nelson?
32 Santa Claus is associated with...
33 «A first visitor» is a tradition, connected with...
34 Traditionally people eat … during Christmas supper.
35 Young people send «sweet hearts» on this day to each other.
36 When do English children go from house to house and say «Trick or treat?»
37 What is the national sport game of England?
38 People play it in Wimbledon stadium.
39 This game is a form of football, which was first played in one of the British schools.
40 Why are swimming, boating and sailing popular in Britain?
41 A city in the UK, where the Olympic Games were held.
42 Final stage
43 What does the fifty stars represent on the American flag?
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