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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемНадежда Махова
2 The climate of the United Kingdom is classified as a mid-latitude oceanic climate - warm summers - cool winters - plentiful precipitation ( = осадки) However some parts of East & South-East England actually have a semi-arid climate ( = полузасушливый климат)
3 The Country's Climate Northerly Latitude ( = северная широта) Close Proximity ( = близость) to the Atlantic Ocean Warming of the Surrounding Waters by the Gulf Stream
4 Northern Ireland, Wales and western parts of England and Scotland are generally - the mildest - the wettest - the windiest regions of the UK
5 Eastern areas are - drier - cooler - less windy Northern areas are generally - cooler - wetter
6 Northern Ireland and the west of Scotland the maritime ( = морской) polar air mass cool moist ( = сырой; влажный) air
7 the east of Scotland and north-east England the continental polar air mass cold dry air
8 the south and south-east of England the continental tropical air mass warm dry air
9 Wales and the south-west of England the maritime tropical air mass warm moist air
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