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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемМаргарита Матвеевская
1 Which is the best age for marriage? Made by Dmytro Pereckrestenko
2 That's a tough question. It depends on where you are in your life and how mature you are. It also depends on if you are in a serious relationship and what maturity level your partner is at. Financial security is another issue to examine. Would it be a smart move at this point in your life? That's a tough question. It depends on where you are in your life and how mature you are. It also depends on if you are in a serious relationship and what maturity level your partner is at. Financial security is another issue to examine. Would it be a smart move at this point in your life?
3 There is few opinions about my topic: Mark,25 : - I think like 23 to 26 you want to still be young but somewhat established....well i wouldnt mind being married and still in college or not quite fully established but dont have kids until your financially stable....you should still be younger so you have that spark and sexappeal and if its true love it will last so dont worry. Mark,25 : - I think like 23 to 26 you want to still be young but somewhat established....well i wouldnt mind being married and still in college or not quite fully established but dont have kids until your financially stable....you should still be younger so you have that spark and sexappeal and if its true love it will last so dont worry.
4 Anna,21 : - It depends on the person! Just because your 20 doesn't mean you are not mature and in love. I am 21 and just recently got married and I love it. I think what the problem is that when a problem arises the first thought is lets get a divorce, and when you get married divorce should be the last thing on your mind. Marriage is hard if your not willing to trust, communicate, compromise, love, and work hard at it then it doesn't matter how old you are it will never work! Anna,21 : - It depends on the person! Just because your 20 doesn't mean you are not mature and in love. I am 21 and just recently got married and I love it. I think what the problem is that when a problem arises the first thought is lets get a divorce, and when you get married divorce should be the last thing on your mind. Marriage is hard if your not willing to trust, communicate, compromise, love, and work hard at it then it doesn't matter how old you are it will never work!
5 John,33: - It used to be 25. But now I think most people would say 30. People have to work a few more years to save money for the wedding!!! John,33: - It used to be 25. But now I think most people would say 30. People have to work a few more years to save money for the wedding!!!
6 My opinion I agriee with John. I think marriage is good only when pair has got enough money to buy their own house or flat. I think marriage in our time is only for bring up children. Because normal child must have father and mother and place where he can grow. When man become husband in I think it is weak man, he is sacrifice of moral. I agriee with John. I think marriage is good only when pair has got enough money to buy their own house or flat. I think marriage in our time is only for bring up children. Because normal child must have father and mother and place where he can grow. When man become husband in I think it is weak man, he is sacrifice of moral.
7 Moral (Man must have one woman and marry her), moral is womens powerful shield to make man fond of her, because she must have help to bring up children. Moral (Man must have one woman and marry her), moral is womens powerful shield to make man fond of her, because she must have help to bring up children. Strong man dont mind about moral, he have many women (because it is mens natural wish) Strong man dont mind about moral, he have many women (because it is mens natural wish)
8 But strong man can marry to. He does it only when he saw many women and understood that this women is the best variant to marry. Usually strong men marry after 30 years. For women it is good too, because man have got money and flat at the age of 30. But strong man can marry to. He does it only when he saw many women and understood that this women is the best variant to marry. Usually strong men marry after 30 years. For women it is good too, because man have got money and flat at the age of 30.
9 Ending Also (it isnt often) you can meet your really love. In this case you must marry, because when moment was missed you will reproach yourself all your life. So marry, its good!!! Also (it isnt often) you can meet your really love. In this case you must marry, because when moment was missed you will reproach yourself all your life. So marry, its good!!!
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