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2 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК+ОБЩЕСТВОЗНАНИЕ «Система социальных льгот в Великобритании и России»
3 State/retirement пенсия по State/retirement пенсия по pension инвалидности pension инвалидности Widows pension детское пособие Widows pension детское пособие Child benefit пенсия по старости Child benefit пенсия по старости Unemployment benefit пенсия по Unemployment benefit пенсия по потере кормильца Invalidity pension пособие по потере кормильца Invalidity pension пособие по безработице безработице
4 is provided for… is available to… can claim…. is entitled to…. -a person who is unable to work after the sickness perioda person who is unable to work -women whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 and over -a person who is out of work for up to a year -each child until he or she leaves school - the retired
5 ГОСУДАРСТВО ВСЕОБЩЕГО БЛАГОДЕНСТВИЯ (welfare state) государство, утверждающее возможности радикального преобразования общества, прежде всего в вопросах распределения собственности, доходов, организации управления предприятиями, а также функций государства в интересах всех граждан
6 «Государство всеобщего благоденствия» было призвано обеспечить реализацию программы достижения высокого уровня жизни населения путем создания государственной системы образования, здравоохранения, жилищного строительства; программы социального обеспечения, регулирования минимального размера заработной платы, а также защиты нацио нальной культуры.
7 Пенсионное страхование Первый уровень – государственное обязательное пенсионное обеспечение, предусматривающее выплату базовой трудовой пенсии фиксированного размера. Второйуровень – обязательное пенсионное страхование, состоящее из комбинации государственных и частных схем пенсионного страхования. Третий уровень – добровольное пенсионное страхование в рамках частных пенсионных фондов. Условия получения базовой государственной пенсии
8 Медицинское страхование. Основной принцип системы медицинского страхования в Великобритании – общедоступность медицинских услуг для всех жителей страны.
9 True or false The welfare state has only one meaning. The welfare state has only one meaning. Welfare state is a system of caring for the citizens of a country through a range of services. Welfare state is a system of caring for the citizens of a country through a range of services. At the national level the government is responsible for the national HEALTH SERVICE, National Insurance and social security. At the national level the government is responsible for the national HEALTH SERVICE, National Insurance and social security. In Great Britain all categories of people are entitled to financial help. In Great Britain all categories of people are entitled to financial help. The WS operates in five main areas: education, social security, community care, health, housing. The WS operates in five main areas: education, social security, community care, health, housing.
10 Welfare state is a system of caring for the citizens of a country through a range of services. The WS operates in five main areas: education, social security, community care, health, housing. At the national level the government is responsible for the national HEALTH SERVICE, National Insurance and social security. The local government authority is responsible for housing
11 In Russia women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men ay 65. In Russia women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men ay 65. have a right to have a right to There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full. A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they dont pay fees for their education. People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for their husbands who died. There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full. A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they dont pay fees for their education. People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for their husbands who died.allowances paid to elderly people Retired people payments monthly payment People who do not work have the right a monthly paymentare paid to young peoplePeople who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for allowances paid to elderly people Retired people payments monthly payment People who do not work have the right a monthly paymentare paid to young peoplePeople who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for In Russia women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men ay 65. In Russia women have a right to a pension at the age of 55 and men ay 65. have a right to have a right to There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full. A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they dont pay fees for their education. People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for their husbands who died. There are allowances paid to elderly people. Retired people can get a salary or a wage and still receive their pension in full. A wide range of other payments exists. For example, a child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child, usually paid directly to mothers. People who do not work have the right to a monthly payment, too. Scholarships are paid to young people, college and higher school students, if they dont pay fees for their education. People who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for their husbands who died.allowances paid to elderly people Retired people payments monthly payment People who do not work have the right a monthly paymentare paid to young peoplePeople who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for allowances paid to elderly people Retired people payments monthly payment People who do not work have the right a monthly paymentare paid to young peoplePeople who are disabled can receive an invalidity pension Widows can get payments for
12 Are entitled to
13 Benefits provided for the elderly Benefits provided for the elderly
14 The retired
15 Allowances (benefits)
16 payment
17 The unemployed The unemployed
18 Can claim Can claim
19 Unemployment benefit Unemployment benefit
20 Is available to children Is available to children
21 The disabled can claim invalidity benefit The disabled can claim invalidity benefit
22 The widowed are provided with the widows pension The widowed are provided with the widows pension
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