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1 What is PR? Man-on-the-street interviews (click to show)
3 MEANING OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Public: Public: Public is group of similar individuals, an assortment of person having similar interest, problems, goals and circumstances. It generally from such sources that OPINIONS emerge. Public comes in many forms and sizes. They have a multitude of desires and wants. Relations: Relations are the outcome of mutual understanding which is derived from the process of sharing of the common interest. The need of establish relation with one another is created because of human wants. The respective wants of two individuals will affect their relationship. To understand any relationship, one must understand wants of those involved.
4 Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the communication between an organization and its publics. Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the communication between an organization and its publics.
5 FUNCTIONS OF PUBLICS RELATION DEPARTMENTS: Policy Policy Publicity Publicity Relation with government Relation with government Community Relations Community Relations Shareholder Relations Shareholder Relations Product publicity Product publicity Employees Publicity Employees Publicity Donations Donations Promotion Programs Promotion Programs
6 Public relations specialists handle organizational functions, such as media, community, consumer, industry, and governmental relations; political campaigns; interest-group representation; conflict mediation; and employee and investor relations. Public relations specialists must understand the attitudes and concerns of community, consumer, employee, and public interest groups to establish and maintain cooperative relationships between them Public relations specialists handle organizational functions, such as media, community, consumer, industry, and governmental relations; political campaigns; interest-group representation; conflict mediation; and employee and investor relations. Public relations specialists must understand the attitudes and concerns of community, consumer, employee, and public interest groups to establish and maintain cooperative relationships between them
7 Essential Qualities of A Good Public Relation Manager: Mental ability, foreside, orderliness of mind and judgment, willingness to thing straight and promptness decision. Mental ability, foreside, orderliness of mind and judgment, willingness to thing straight and promptness decision. Integrity in the sense of mental honesty. Integrity in the sense of mental honesty. A restrained self confidence coupled with initiated and resourcefulness. A restrained self confidence coupled with initiated and resourcefulness. Ability to see other persons point of view and to be as critical of oneself of other. Ability to see other persons point of view and to be as critical of oneself of other. A balance temperature particularly the absence of emotional instability and forcefulness and self centered outlook. A balance temperature particularly the absence of emotional instability and forcefulness and self centered outlook. Persistence but not the point of obstinacy. Persistence but not the point of obstinacy. Character and integrity. Character and integrity. A sense of Judgment and Logic. A sense of Judgment and Logic. A deep interest in the solution of problems. A deep interest in the solution of problems. The ability to think creative and imaginative. The ability to think creative and imaginative. Intellectual curiosity. Intellectual curiosity.
8 Main functions of PR specialist : Promote mutual understanding. Promote mutual understanding. Persuade individuals, groups, etc, Persuade individuals, groups, etc, Help in fund raising. Help in fund raising. Enhance the patronage from the various sections. Enhance the patronage from the various sections. Change the behavior and attitude of the public, Change the behavior and attitude of the public, Influence people. Influence people. Win friends. Win friends. Avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding. Avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding. Prepare and supply the public with information about.the organization like price, quality, export, employment and other special features. Prepare and supply the public with information about.the organization like price, quality, export, employment and other special features. Provide information about the activities of the company, to the press and writers. Provide information about the activities of the company, to the press and writers. Establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies. Establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies.
9 Main functions of PR specialist : Promote mutual understanding. Promote mutual understanding. Persuade individuals, groups, etc, Persuade individuals, groups, etc, Help in fund raising. Help in fund raising. Enhance the patronage from the various sections. Enhance the patronage from the various sections. Change the behavior and attitude of the public, Change the behavior and attitude of the public, Influence people. Influence people. Win friends. Win friends. Avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding. Avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding. Prepare and supply the public with information about.the organization like price, quality, export, employment and other special features. Prepare and supply the public with information about.the organization like price, quality, export, employment and other special features. Provide information about the activities of the company, to the press and writers. Provide information about the activities of the company, to the press and writers. Establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies. Establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies.
10 Who is PR specialist Click to play
11 Role Of Public Relation Manager: To help the management in preparing, interpreting adopting and evaluating the public relation policies and programme. To help the management in preparing, interpreting adopting and evaluating the public relation policies and programme. To design an effective performance appraisal system. To design an effective performance appraisal system. To conduct education and training programmer for the staff of the PR department. To conduct education and training programmer for the staff of the PR department. To develop a mechanism of personally meeting various public like buyers, institutional investors, communities, consumer organizations, etc. To develop a mechanism of personally meeting various public like buyers, institutional investors, communities, consumer organizations, etc. To develop effective internal and external communication system for timely interaction. To develop effective internal and external communication system for timely interaction. To prepare different literature matter for different media. To prepare different literature matter for different media. To convey and interpret to the management different information on public attitudes and views about the company or industry it serves. To convey and interpret to the management different information on public attitudes and views about the company or industry it serves. To instruct the companys financial advertising agents an all matters relating to financial and annual reports, advertising, publicity etc. To instruct the companys financial advertising agents an all matters relating to financial and annual reports, advertising, publicity etc.
12 Tips for PR specialists Ronn Torossian on Entering the PR Workforce
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