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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЕлена Руднева
1 Holidays Cherepcova Regina 8 х-б класс
2 St.Valentine is day
3 St. Valentines day on the 14th of February – the holiday of love and affection, the day of sending valentines and giving present to those you love Be My Valentine- with these word English people ask each other to become friends.
4 Valentines are often decorated with symbols if love – red hearts and roses, ribbons and laces.
5 Christmas
6 Christmas – the 25 th December. Christmas is one of the most important holidays if the year. Its the time if love, joy and hopes. It is a family holiday. Christmas – the 25 th December. Christmas is one of the most important holidays if the year. Its the time if love, joy and hopes. It is a family holiday.
7 Christmas the time when all the family gets together round the Christmas tree decorated with toys and sweets. Little children believe that when they are asleep Santa Claus comes with a big bag of toys. They often hang up large stocking for presents.
8 All families have Christmas dinners. They eat traditional dishes – turkey, duck, pudding.
9 The and
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