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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемГеоргий Изединов
1 «Victory Day!» - He fought for our Motherland Made by: Davydov Alexei, Form 9 « А » school 51 Nizhny Novgorod «Victory Day!» - He fought for our Motherland Made by: Davydov Alexei, Form 9 « А » school 51 Nizhny Novgorod Undoubtedly, Victory Day is the most important holiday in Russia. On that day we celebrate the end of the war and remember people who fought for our country during the Great Patriotic War. One of them is my great-grandfather Markov Arseny Vaslievich Markov Arseny Vaslievich.
2 When the war began he was an officer and went to the front in He fought heroically and took part in the battels for Moscow, Harkov, Poltava, Kremenchug-on-Dnepr.
3 The bridge over the Dnepr was destroyed. Enemies were in village Krukovo. My great-grandfather was a battalion commander and their task was to make a pontoon bridge. They worked at night. It was dark and dangerous as fascists bombed the territory. A lot of people were killed that night. But the bridge was built and our solders could cross the Dnepr. Arseny Vaslievich was wounded and spent a month in the hospital. А. Горпенко, А. Стадник, П. Жигимонт "Форсирование Днепра"
4 Then Arseny Vaslievich participated in the libiration of some European countries the Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Chechoslovakia.
5 My great-grandfather was in Prague on the 9th of May, It was a great day as the war in Europe was over! Capitan Arseny Vaslievich Markov has a lot of medals and was thanked by I.V. Stalin I am proud of my great-grandfather! I think Victory day is a holiday that unites all Russian people and gives us a chance to feel proud of our country and its history!
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