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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемСергей Водов
2 Drugs problem use has a profound impact on all familys members. Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters are caught in the maelstrom that drugs problems almost inevitably create. Family is one of the significant factors to influence a child. Relationships within a family may be excessively difficult: the parents may be divorced; they may be violent or drink too much; they may themselves be criminals. Number of children, which use cigarettes and drugs increase because this relationships within a family are bad.
3 A study by Marina Barnard at Glasgow University found that: Families would try to solve drugs problem of their members alone, usually without recourse to agencies. Many parents linked deterioration in their physical and psychological health to the stresses of living with drugs problem of child. A familys conflict developed between parents and between the problem-drug- using child and their brothers and sisters, especially if the drug-using child was stealing money from the familys home.
4 For most, if not all, families, discovering of drugs problem was an event of such deep significance that it changed the family completely and forever. Families routinely reported great stress, conflict as a consequence of trying to protect the familys member from the dangers and harms associated with drugs, and to limit the damage arising from their behavior towards the rest of the family.
5 But those brothers and sisters who did not follow in their older brothers footsteps referred to their brothers poor appearance and behaviors and the devastating impact of drugs on their familys life as compelling reasons that drugs are unsuitable. Some younger brothers and sisters were deliberately exposed to drugs by their older brothers, most usually to advocate use.
6 It is interesting for us WHY DO TEENAGERS BEGIN TO TRY DRUGS ? The World Health Organization presents five reasons: 1) they want to feel grown-up and make their own decisions; 2) they want to fit in; 3) they want to relax and feel good; 4) they want to take risks and rebel; 5) they want to satisfy their curiosity.
7 Open-ended question: Why do you think people begin to take drugs?
9 There is a terrible problem in the world. This is drugs. They come in families. They destroy familys life. Government care about this people, but family is one of the significant factors to influence. If relationships within a family are good, this problem will not come. DRUGS ARE A WHITE DIE ! Please, DON T TRY IT !
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