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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемНикита Лунин
2 Sport is very popular in Russia.More than 30 million people go to sport centres. There are a lot of different sports that are very popular in Russia. One of them is football. According to official figures,nearly 5 million people go in for it. Almost each town has its own football team.
3 Ice hockey is one of the most popular among winter sports. Russian players have been taking part in world championships since 1954 and have won the world title on many occasions. In 1988 we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of athletics.7.5million people participated in track-and- field competitions.
4 Russia sportsmen are the European, World and Olympic records holders in different disciplines. Other popular team games are basketball and volleyball. More than 6 million people play volleyball in physical culture teams and sporting clubs.
5 The men-s and women-s teams won Olympic, European and World Champions titles not once. A little less people play basketball (4.2 million). Soviet players first took part in Olympic contests at the 1952 Games in Helsinki.Since then they have been among the Olympic prize winners for several times.
6 Подготовил: Ученик 8б класса Коваленко. А.
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