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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЛюбовь Китаева
3 Basic Data Dates of survey: 20 January - 24 February 2013 Place of survey: the homes of the respondents Number of respondents: 42 parents, grandparents, godparents Age range: 31 – 80 years
5 Gender male 11 female31 Status parent32 grandparent5 other5
6 Most frequent activity on a daily level: watching TV, listening to music, radio and reading. These activities were never related to the computer or the mobile phone, for example: online chat rooms, computer games, games with mobile. Less popular activities were going to the theatre, open-air activities, such as concerts, travelling. Parties and excursions were popular and also sport activities. 1. During your childhood and school years, in your free time, how often did you do each of the activities below?
8 People spent most of their spare time with their families, their friends and with their classmates and sweethearts. There were some people who spent the time with their neighbours or alone. 2. During your childhood and school years, who did you usually spend your free time with?
10 The most popular games of the 80's: board games, card games, crosswords, dominoes and puzzles. Less popular games : gambling games, computer games, video games. 3. During your childhood and school years, which of the games below did you play with any frequency?
12 The most popular reason why respondents made any free time activities: enjoyment and killing time. Some people answered that they wanted to do something to relax, they didnt want to learn. Some mentioned that it was compulsory. 4. Why did you do free time activities?
14 5. How did you spend your weekdays after school? The students in the 80s studied, read and did some sports after school. Some of them played cards, played parlour games/board games, talked and played football. The students worked outdoors, went to the park, recreation ground and some of them had pioneer activities in their free time. Most often, the children met their friends, but some of them spent their free time more with family, classmates and boyfriend / girlfriend.
16 5. What did you do? The students usually did homework. Most often students studied, read, played sports. The students sometimes played football and spent their free time with pioneer activities.
18 5. How? 1.Most people talked with their family and friends. 2.The students played parlour games / board games, cards or football.
20 5. Where did you go? The students usually went to the gym or parks. Some people spent the free time in recreation grounds. The students sometimes went to the cinema and to pioneer programms.
22 5. With whom? The students usually spent most of their time with their friends and families. But the others spent their free time with classmates and boyfriend / girlfriend.
24 6. How did you spend your weekends? What did you do? How? Where did you go? With whom? In the 80s some people spent their weekends going home after school. They met friends at parties and they learned cooking from grandparents. On Sundays some people learned. They helped with the housework. They walked or travelled by car, by public transport and by bus.
25 What did you do ? They: went on a trip learned cooking went to the cinema watched TV went to the park went to matches
26 6. How did you spend your weekends? What did you do?
27 How? There were many ways to go, for example: by bike, by car, by public transport and walking.
29 Where did you go? They went: home to grandparents to parks to the Hall
31 With whom? girlfriend/ boyfriend grandparentsfamilyclassmates
33 7. How did you spend your holidays? The Comenius now is about the 80s. More people spent their holidays going to the cinema or spent their free time with family. The students mostly did some learning and wrote their homework. Some people did voluntary work.
35 7. How did you spend your free time? Most people travelled to the countryside. They often went camping. They often went to a church. Some went to a family member and they usually visited them on feasts or festival days. Few travelled abroad.
37 8. Did you do any voluntary or charity activities? Most people asked did some kind of voluntary activity. It was a typical activity in the 80s. However, there is an outstanding number of people who did no voluntary activity!
38 8.How many percent did a voluntary activity?
39 8. The most common voluntary activities most people cleaned parks participation in competitions participation in club activities helping elder people special cases: fundraising, agricultural work, organised camps to do agricultural work by schools, voluntary fireman, citizen soldier
41 The End
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