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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемНадежда Замятнина
1 Hello!
2 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Live not to eat but eat to live. Live not to eat but eat to live. We are what we eat. We are what we eat. Health is above wealth. Health is above wealth.
3 I think we should… I think we should… To my mind we have to… To my mind we have to… Im sure we need… Im sure we need… I agree with my classmates that… I agree with my classmates that…
4 Pyramid Discussion
5 Lets do some exercises
6 A Recipe of a Dish
9 What are the ingredients of the dish? What are the ingredients of the dish? What cooking utensils are used? What cooking utensils are used?
10 Jigsaw reading Put the parts of the text in order Put the parts of the text in order
11 1. Every year people in the world are becoming … a) happier b) fatter c) healthier
12 2. Finger food is fast food which can be eaten … a) without forks b) without sticks c) without forks and knives
13 3. Fast food is usually served in……. a) cartons, bags or plastic wrappings b) plates c) cans and cartons
14 4. People are overweight because they eat fast food … a) at home b) in a restaurant c) in a hurry
15 5. Eating of junk food can lead to … a) problems at work b) health problems c) dental problems
16 6. To be healthy a person needs … a) to have a lot of money b) minerals, proteins, vitamins c) to have enough sleep
17 Your Home Assignment : Prepare a report on the topic Healthy Lifestyle Prepare a report on the topic Healthy Lifestyle Do ex.4 p 84 Do ex.4 p 84
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