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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемГригорий Вальцов
1 Great Britain
2 General information Today, Britain is a mixture of cultures of indigenous peoples and the many immigrants - Pakistanis, Africans, Indians. The capital and largest city is London, which is a global financial, economic and cultural center with a population of more than 8 million people.
3 The flag of the United Kingdom is better known as the "Union Jack» but its official name "Union Flag» The flag is made up of superimposed flag of St George (England), flag of St. Andrew (Scotland), also known as the St. Andrew's cross, and the cross of St. Patrick (Ireland). Also common flags of each state separately, for example, the flag of the Red Dragon of Wales. The flag of the United Kingdom is better known as the "Union Jack» but its official name "Union Flag» The flag is made up of superimposed flag of St George (England), flag of St. Andrew (Scotland), also known as the St. Andrew's cross, and the cross of St. Patrick (Ireland). Also common flags of each state separately, for example, the flag of the Red Dragon of Wales.
5 Royal Family
7 The UK consists of 1. E ngland (the capital is London) 2. W ales (the capital is Cardiff) 3. S cotland (the capital is Edinburgh) 4. N orthern Ireland (the capital is Belfast). The territory of the UK is about 244,000 square kilometres. The population is over 56,5 million.
8 The British Isles are washed by the : the Atlantic Ocean in the west the North Sea in the east the English Channel in the south the Arctic Ocean in the north
9 British Transport system evolved for decades (even centuries) - the country, for example, is home to the railway. In addition, the island is covered by a network of excellent roads, so it is certainly cause someone to think about how to rent a car. However, do not forget the right-hand traffic, one of the distinguishing features of the country. British Transport system evolved for decades (even centuries) - the country, for example, is home to the railway. In addition, the island is covered by a network of excellent roads, so it is certainly cause someone to think about how to rent a car. However, do not forget the right-hand traffic, one of the distinguishing features of the country. Transport
10 Transport
11 The climate is mild the whole year round. The Atlantic Ocean, the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate.
12 Attractions Big Ben Big Ben Warwick Warwick Warwick
13 The Tower of London Buckingham PalaceWestminster Abbey
14 Trafalgar Square St. Pauls Cathedral The British museum
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