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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВиктор Анфилогов
2 Christmas ['kr ɪ sməs] – Рождество celebration [ ̗ selə'bre ɪʃ n] – празднование miracle [ 'm ɪ rəkl ]- чудо beginning [ b ɪ 'g ɪ n ɪ ŋ]- начало to do shopping [ ʃɒ p ɪ ŋ]- делать покупки to decorate ['dekəre ɪ t] – украшать greeting card [' ɡ ri:t ɪ ŋ k ɑ :d] – поздравительная открытка on the eve [i:v] – накануне stocking ['st ɒ k ɪ ŋ] - чулок roast turkey [rəυst 't ɜ :k ɪ ] – жареная индейка pudding ['pυd ɪ ŋ] - пудинг
11 A In big cities the shops are open every day and there are beautiful Christmas trees and decorations in the windows. People go out and buy presents. There are a lot of nice things in the shops, so you can find very good presents everywhere. I like to go Christmas shopping and listen to Christmas songs.
12 B There is a Christmas tree in every house and everybody decorates it together. In the evening they drink hot chocolate by the Christmas tree and talk about Christmas miracles. Every Saturday before Christmas our friends organize big parties. They are fun!
13 C Children write letters to Santa Claus. In the letters they tell Santa Claus what they want for Christmas and promise to be good in the coming year. Santa always brings them something, so everybody is happy.
14 D On Christmas day nobody works, so all the family is together. On the morning of the 25 th of December children find a lot of presents in their stockings. Than everybody has Christmas dinner. There is always a roast turkey and Christmas pudding on the table.
16 We Wish You a Merry Christmas Jingle bells
20 What are the birds doing? sing
21 What is it doing? run
22 What is the man doing? speak
23 What is the boy doing? fish
24 What is the cat doing? smile
25 What is the tiger doing? jump
26 What are the birds doing? fly
27 What are the children doing? dance
29 Lets sum up! What have you done today? 1.What new words do you know now ? 2.What new information is interesting for you? 3. What do you like the most?
30 Home task: 1.translate the sentences from Russian into English using Present Progressive Tense 2.write a letter to Santa Claus
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