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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЛюбовь Маркова
1 Development, role and place of the Probation Service in the Romanian Criminal Justice System Kyiv, March 28 th, 2013 Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU Director, Probation Directorate Ministry of Justice, ROMANIA
2 Romania by area, the ninth largest Member State by population, the seventh largest state of the European Union, with 21.5 millions people (last validated census ) apx people in prisons apx persons under the probation supervision Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28 th, 2013
3 The probation system established as a public service in 2001 following an experimental period of 5 years under the coordination of the Ministry of Justice, distinct from the Prison Administration Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
4 The probation system structure Central level - Probation Department - 15 employees: 7 probation inspectors, 3 legal advisors, 2 psychologists, 3 administrative staff Local level - 42 probation services: 279 probation staff, out of which 42 are probation chiefs, graduated in social work, law, psychology, sociology or pedagogy Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
5 Main activities in different stages of the criminal trial both for juvenile and adults pre-sentence reports at the courts/prosecutors request supervision in the community assistance and counselling for the offenders activities in the commissions for conditional release inside prisons some work related with victims Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
6 Probation in numbers Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
7 Current role of the probation service Social control institution – enforcement of sanctions - supervision dimension Support institution – assistance and counseling dimension during the supervision Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
8 Current place of the probation service Probation service JudgesProsecutorsMediaCitizensPolice National/ Local authorities NGO Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
9 What challenges we had identified on our journey we did not know the destination. Only we have heard or read about it signs showing us the necessity to go dedicated staff, supportive NGO`s, MoJ commitment visionary people, guidance from other probation systems, opportunity of the pre-accession funds Our luggage sometimes too heavy – too many tasks Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
10 Challenges and solutions it was hard to convince the community to accept a new service, to promote legislation, to fight with the staff fears, to run the administrative activities, develop strategies and roles without leadership and vision our experiment would have only remained an experiment partners involved: public or private institutions, national and international, politicians, staff, and funds from internal and external sources 1. Hardship 2. Partnership 3. Leadership Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
11 2014 – Reform – new criminal codes – new probation service legislative changes economic changes new, fundamental reform new role and place of the probation service Steps: - recognize the history - assess the current situation - describe the desirable future, develop strategies - implement strategies and monitor Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
12 New Codes, new trends supervision measures and obligations imposed with: - postponement of the sentence, - suspended sentence, - with conditional release granted to a person with a remaining execution of the punishment of two years or higher working with juveniles (civic education, supervision, consignment during the weekend, daily assistance) community-work Iuliana Elena CĂRBUNARU, Kyiv, March 28th, 2013
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