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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЕлизавета Гаевская
1 White city 2008
2 Algeria – Parliamentary Monarchy
3 The ideal welfare state is the state where there is a system of social security and national insurance The ideal welfare state is the state where there is a system of social security and national insurance
4 In my welfare state there will be some benefits for people who are entitled to In my welfare state there will be some benefits for people who are entitled to
5 Monarch Parliament (legislative) 50 people – by 10 with region Supreme court National Algerian Council (executive) 10 people – by 1 with region and 5 appoint monarch Higher court World court
6 Education School Higher Education (university, college) Professional Education (professional training School) Professional Education (agriculture training school)
7 Social Security Well Social Security for pensioner, disabled and sick people. Well Social Security for pensioner, disabled and sick people. Who do not work, Who do not work, that culprit. that culprit.
8 Where gain money ??? Gas Gas Petroleum Petroleum Agriculture Agriculture
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