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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемКирилл Володковский
1 Novouralsk and space program Anastasia Bunkova Novouralsk 2007
2 Russian Space Program Aims: solving major socioeconomic, scientific and defense problems, developing advanced technologies creating research and technological potential.
3 Space communications and TV broadcasting
4 Remote sounding of Earth -cartography -the acquisition of information -observation of global atmospheric processes -monitoring of the land and ocean surface -effective control over the observance of treaties and agreements.
5 Fundamental space exploration - the exploration of planets of the Solar system; - comprehensive investigations into solar radiation; - the study of the state and evolution of the Universe; - the exploration of the Earth's magnetosphere and interaction between the Sun and Earth; - medical investigations under microgravitation conditions.
6 Coordinate-and-timing support - the creation of assets for the massive employment of space navigation and geodetic systems; - the expansion of the use of space assets.
7 Manned space flights and space technologies - medical and biological investigations; - the creation of the exploration programs of the Moon and Mars in cooperation with foreign countries; -the optimization - the creation of new materials.
8 Development of spacecraft launch systems and ground-based space infrastructure
9 Development of the automated spacecraft ground control complex
10 History The Urals Electrochemical Integrated Plant (UEIP) was founded in 1949 to enrich uranium
11 History 40 years ago the UEIP started to participate in Russian space programs. It began to develop the new constructions for producing electrical energy from chemical energy of oxygen and hydrogen.
12 Volna The new generator with alkaline fuel elements was developed in the UEIP for the Soviet Moon program. It was also used in the spaceship Buran
13 In 1988 the new fuel cell generator for space program was developed It was used on the spaceship Buran It could provide energy for 2000 hours
14 In 1992 it was tested in Nordwike in the European Space Center After this it was recommended for using in the European space programs
15 New batteries Since the beginning of the 90-ies The UEIP has been developing the new nickel-cadmium batteries for communication satellites
16 New batteries They are being used at the moment on the communication satellite Yamal 120 batteries have been produced
17 Thank you for your attention
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