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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемДенис Философов
2 My role model is Leonard Euler. He was born in 1707, in Basel. His father, Pavel Euler, was a priest, but interested mathematics. Pavel dreams, what his son become priest too, and sent him in Basels university. But Leonard more interested mathematics, then religion. In university Euler made friends with Nicolas and Daniel Bernoulli. In 1726 brothers Bernoulli arrivaled in Russia, in Petersburg's academy of sciences, and Leonard in 1727 arrivaled in Russian too. In 26 year Euler become Russian academician. Over 8 year he move in Berlin. In German Euler was quartet of a century. These years was for him the very fruitfully. In 1766 he return in Russian and soon go blind, but continued work. Leonard Euler dead in He author above 800 work on mathematics, physics, mechanical and astronomy. I think what Leonard Euler was very interested men, because he many did for development sciences.
3 Leonard Euler
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