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1 Oktyabrskaya school 1 Krasnogvardeyskiy district AR Crimea Author of the presentation Tatyana Taranenko, teacher of English language, highest category Tatyana Taranenko, teacher of English language, highest category
2 The National Portrait Gallery is a wonderful museum that holds portraits of main characters of Britain.
3 The National Portrait Gallery was founded in 1856.
4 There are pictures of kings, queens, poets, musicians, artists, thinkers, and heroes from all periods since the late 14-th century.
5 Inside the National Portrait Gallery.
6 There are over 10,000 portraits in this London gallerys primary collection, many of which are on display across several floors.
7 The collection includes photographs and caricatures as well as paintings, drawings and sculpture.
8 The National Gallery exhibits a rapidly changing collection of contemporary work, stages exhibitions of portrait art by individual artists and hosts the annual BP Portrait Prize competition.
9 The collection of sculptures.
10 Another sculpture room.
11 The collection of stone block busts.
12 If you are an art lover you should also consider visiting the National Gallery London on Trafalgar Square and experience one of the worlds greatest collections of art.
13 Entry to the Portrait Gallery in London is free to the general public – however, like many London galleries there are special exhibitions, many featuring works from internationally famous artists and photographers.
14 Exhibition review: Fabiola, Francis Alÿs
15 This exhibition consists of multiple rooms of the artists work.
16 Typical gallery with sofa
17 The gallery has a new restaurant and a lecture theatre. It also houses temporary exhibitions and has an excellent shop selling books on art.
18 Camille Silvy Launch
19 Sources:
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