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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемФёдор Биркин
1 ECOLOGY Help the Earth! ECOLOGY
2 The aim of our project: To figure out the existing environmental problems To figure out the existing environmental problems Try to find solutions to them Try to find solutions to them To take part in ecological actions held in our home cities To take part in ecological actions held in our home cities
3 Stages of our discovery: Discovering ecological issues of the Discovering ecological issues of the Earth Earth Analyzing of information Analyzing of information Finding their solutions Finding their solutions
4 NATURES CRYING FOR HELP!!!! Nowadays our environment faces a lot of ecological problems which can eventually turn out a disaster for our precious planet! A great number of people aren't indifferent to the fate of the Earth! If we want to live long and happy lives lets not be indifferent to the environment!!!!!!!!
5 Among the simple but far disappearing blessing is the smell of clean fresh air and the good taste of pure water. Nature untouched in its virgin loveliness is seldom met today.
6 Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light – be careful – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house The Dalai Lama
7 The deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers… The Earth is our Mother… all things are connected like the blood which unites the family Franklin Pierce The deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers… The Earth is our Mother… all things are connected like the blood which unites the family Franklin Pierce
8 The frog doesnt drink up the pond in which he lives Proverb
9 Weve reached the following conclusion: People mustnt be indifferent to the environment People mustnt be indifferent to the environment They mustnt throw away garbage in the streets They mustnt throw away garbage in the streets Teachers must encourage Teachers must encourage their students to participate their students to participate in different kinds of in different kinds of ecological actions ecological actions
10 I wish you always: I wish you always: Air to breathe, Air to breathe, Fire to warm you, Fire to warm you, Water to drink and Water to drink and the Earth to live in. I wish this to you from my heart. the Earth to live in. I wish this to you from my heart.
11 So LETS HELP OUR EARTH TO BE CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! The Earth is waiting for our help
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