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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВиктория Малявко
1 The Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Выполнила : Гришко Ангелина, ученица 11 Б класса МБОУ СОШ 3 с. Серафимовский 2014
2 Welcome to the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology The Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology is the largest academic and scientific division of KFU. It incorporates 12 departments, 30 research laboratories (including 2 international), 4 training facilities for summer practices (including one, which is located on White Sea), unique Zoological and Botanical Museums, small innovative organizations, Botanical Garden and other organizations
3 Faculty members and academic staff: 126 members work at the Institute, including 1 Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Academician of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tatarstan, 14 Academicians and Corresponding Members of other Academies, 29 Doctors of Sciences, 93 Candidate of Sciences, 2 Honored Scientists of Russia, 7 Honored Scientists of Republic of Tatarstan and 19 Honorary Figures of Russian Higher Education. More than 1400 students study at the Institute, among them there are students from 21 non-CIS states and 5 CIS states. Undergraduate,graduate and postgraduate students can undertake an internship in the best research centers of 20 countries (Germany, France, Turkey, Austria, Japan, Poland, China and others) and in more than 200 partner organizations in almost all Russian regions: universities, institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tatarstan and branch Research Institutes.
4 Department of genetics was organized in Beginning with 2011, the department performs training of bachelors in biology with genetics profiling. Study program provides an opportunity for detailed investigation of basic branches of modern genetics, molecular genetics, population genetics, human genetics, genetics of microorganisms, plants and animals, bioinformatics, gene and cellular biomedical technologies.
5 Alumni people work in scientific organizations in Kazan, Moscow and other cities: Biological center of RAS (Puschino-na Oke), Institute of Protein, Institute of Biochemistry and physiology of Microbes, Institute of Biophysics, Institute of Gene Biology, Institute for Agriculture (Niva Tatarstana) and many others. Alumni formed a section of genetic dactylography Internal Affairs Ministry of Tatarstan. In total, over 450 specialists finished department of genetics. 34 of them were from Germany, Northern Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Ecuador, Egypt, Namibia, Mali, Ethiopia and many others. At present, 7 professors and over 50 postdocs work in scientific centers of USA, France, Japan, Australia, Libya and other countries.
6 Institute of Basic Medicine and Biology is one of the largest training - scientific departments of Kazan State University… … And I want to go there
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