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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемСемён Болсунов
1 Глагол to be в прошедшем простом времени.
2 To be – быть, находиться am am to be is are are
3 I am (I am a teacher) He/she/it is (She is a pupil) (She is a pupil) We/you/they are (You are pupils)
4 I am happy! I am happy, You are happy, He is happy, She is happy. We are happy, You are happy, They are happy,too!
5 Make a poem: I am ________, You are _______, He is ________, She is ______. We are ________, You are _______, They are _____,too!
6 Past Simple. to be to be was were was were I was at school We were at school yesterday. yesterday.
7 to be I was (я был) We were(мы были) He was You were She was They were It was
8 Вставьте форму глагола to be: I ______ at home yesterday. I ______ at home yesterday. My friend ______ at farm last summer. We _________ at school last week. My brothers _______ at the stadium. My brothers _______ at the stadium. I ______ at the zoo in summer. They _______ in London last year.
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