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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемФаина Еропкина
1 Проверочное тестирование по теме Word order Готовимся к ЕГЭ ENGLISH Костина В.Н., учитель МОУ СОШ 2 г. Амурска Хабаровского края
2 Данный тренажёр состоит из 12 заданий, в каждом вопросе - 1 правильный вариант ответа, выбирая его, вы автоматически переходите к следующему заданию. Программа в это время подсчитывает ваши верные ответы. Свой результат - количество верных ответов и оценку - вы узнаете путём нажатия на кнопку с надписью «Результат». Вернувшись назад, вы можете просмотреть свои ошибки. Чтобы увидеть неверные ответы пользуйтесь управляющими кнопками. Если хотите пройти тест заново, то обнулите результат и нажмите на кнопку повторить тест. Удачи в выполнении тестовых заданий! Good luck! Инструкция по работе с тренажёром START TESTING
3 I very much liked the novel. The novel very much I liked. I liked very much the novel. I liked the novel very much. 1. the novel-much-I-very-liked FALSE TRUE
4 We go to the theatre very often. We to the theatre go often very. We very often go to the theatre. Very often go we to the theatre. 2. the theatre-go-often-very-we-to TRUE FALSE
5 Why you didnt tell the truth me? Why didnt you tell the truth me? Why you didnt tell me the truth? Why didnt you tell me the truth? 3.tell-didnt-me-you-the truth-why? TRUE FALSE
6 What doing those men are? What are those men doing? What are doing those men? What those men are doing? 4.doing- men- what-those-are? TRUE FALSE
7 There is a book and two pens on the table. There is two pens and a book on the table. On the table there is a book and two pens.. There is a book on the table and two pens. 5. the table-and-on-is-there-two-a book- pens TRUE FALSE
8 The news on TV I saw yesterday. I saw on TV the news yesterday. Yesterday I saw the news on TV. I yesterday saw the news on TV. 6. the news-yesterday-saw-TV-I-on. TRUE FALSE
9 Usually I dont drink strong coffee. I dont usually drink strong coffee. I dont drink strong coffee usually. I usually dont drink strong coffee. 7. drink-coffee-I-usually-strong-dont TRUE FALSE
10 At 10 p.m. at the airport you will arrive.. At the airport you will arrive at 10 p.m. You will arrive at the airport at 10 p.m. You will arrive at 10 p.m. at the airport. 8. airport-10p.m.-you-will-the-at-at-arrive. TRUE FALSE
11 By taxi yesterday he came to the office. Yesterday he came by taxi to the office. He came by taxi to the office yesterday.. He came to the office by taxi yesterday. 9.to-came-the office-he-yesterday-taxi-by FALSE TRUE
12 They sat at a large round wooden table. They sat at a round large wooden table. They sat at a large wooden round table. At a round large wooden table they sat. 10.round-at-table-wooden-they-a-large-set TRUE FALSE
13 Will you give to him his cigarettes ? Will you give his cigarettes to him? You will give his cigarettes to him? Will you his cigarettes give to him?. 11. him-give-to-you-cigarettes-his-will TRUE FALSE
14 Where could you tell me is the market? Where is the market could you tell me? Could you tell me where the market is?. Could you tell me where is the market? 12. where-me-could-you-is-the market-tell. TRUE FALSE
15 Подведём итоги тестирования Просмотр ошибок Верных ответов Оценка
16 Использованные ресурсы: Шаблон Захаровой Т. А., методиста Рязанского института развития образования Т.Г. Николенко « Тесты по грамматике английского языка». М., « Айрис-пресс» г.
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