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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемСтепан Позняков
5 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Good mood Good nutrition Regular nutrition Good sleep Rest Physical activity Dieting Clean water Fresh air COMPONENTS
7 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CountrySystem /Method Ireland Japan Africa Australia America Russia An Eye of Rebirth Nishi System Chair Trainer Body-Flex Calanetika by Calan Pinkin The Curative Starvation by Paul Bragg Siden (an old one) Aerobics
8 Food products ProteinsFatCarbohydrat es Calories(in 100 g ) The wheat bread Macaroni Vegetables: Potato cucumbers (salted) Fruits: Dried apricots Lemons The milk products: Milk (dry) Yogurt Meat: Pork Veal (fat) Fish: Herring(salte d) Pike Other products:
9 Food groupFoodBenefit Servings a day 1. Meat Meat, eggs, fish, poultry, beans Helps to have a strong and healthy body by providing protein and iron MilkMilk, yogurt, cheese, ice- cream, cream Helps to build strong teeth and bones by providing calcium Fruits\Vegeta- bles Oranges, lemons, carrots, natural juices Help to have health gums, good eyesight, proper digestion ets, by providing vitamins A, B, C and minerals GrainBread, cereal, rice, rolls Gives energy by providing protein, iron, several B-vitamins Fats and sugarButter, sugar, oil They are fast sources of energy Should be limited to the minimum OthersPotato chips, snacks, sweets, alcohol Dont have enough nutrients to fit in any of five groups. They shouldnt replace foods from the other food groups. Its OK to eat them in moderation.
10 Food Guide Pyramid The least Little Less Others SugarFats Milk groupMeat group Bread-cereal groupFruit-vegetables group The most
11 Questions ) timing the day )having breakfast++++++_ ) exercising ٧ ) walking ) going in for sport ٧ ++ ٧٧٧ 6) regular washing ) cleaning teeth ) airing rooms ٧ +++ ٧٧٧ 9) eating good food _++ 10) dieting
12 11) counting calories ) being in good mood ) regular bedtime ) too much TV ٧ +++ ٧ 15) smocking ) drinking alcohol ) chewing gums ٧ ) overweighing ) too loud music ٧٧ ) taking drugs
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