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1 Buddhism
2 Buddhism as a religion Buddhism, religious and philosophical teachings of spiritual awakening, which arosearound the VI century BC in ancient India. The founder of the theory is Siddhartha Gautama, later received the name of Buddha Sakyamuni. Buddhism, religious and philosophical teachings of spiritual awakening, which arosearound the VI century BC in ancient India. The founder of the theory is Siddhartha Gautama, later received the name of Buddha Sakyamuni. It is believed that this is one of the world's oldest religions, recognized by many different people with very different traditions. It is believed that this is one of the world's oldest religions, recognized by many different people with very different traditions.
3 Elementary Principles of Buddhism «After several years of observing his consciousness Buddha Sakyamuni came to the conclusion that the cause of suffering is their own actions and stop the suffering,nirvana, you can practice self- restraint and meditation. Buddha claimed that histeaching is not a divine revelation, and received them through meditativ econtemplation of his own spirit, and of all things. The doctrine is not dogma, and the results depend on the person.» «After several years of observing his consciousness Buddha Sakyamuni came to the conclusion that the cause of suffering is their own actions and stop the suffering,nirvana, you can practice self- restraint and meditation. Buddha claimed that histeaching is not a divine revelation, and received them through meditativ econtemplation of his own spirit, and of all things. The doctrine is not dogma, and the results depend on the person.»
5 Basics of Buddhism Over two thousand years in the dissemination of Buddhism absorbed many differentbeliefs and ritual practices. Over two thousand years in the dissemination of Buddhism absorbed many differentbeliefs and ritual practices. But they are all based on the following doctrines: -Four Noble Truths -the doctrine of cause and origin of the dependent and karma, -anatmavady doctrine (the principle bessuschnostnosti, "no-soul") -kshanikavady doctrine (the doctrine of instantaneous) -Buddhist cosmology. All Buddhists believe that these principles were proclaimed by the Buddha himself, but their interpretation may be quite different. But they are all based on the following doctrines: -Four Noble Truths -the doctrine of cause and origin of the dependent and karma, -anatmavady doctrine (the principle bessuschnostnosti, "no-soul") -kshanikavady doctrine (the doctrine of instantaneous) -Buddhist cosmology. All Buddhists believe that these principles were proclaimed by the Buddha himself, but their interpretation may be quite different.
6 Differences from other teachings and beliefs !! In contrast to the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), in Buddhismthere is neither all-powerful God, no eternal soul. The same provisions and denyingthe caste system distinguishes Buddhism from Hinduism and Brahmanism, althoughhe admits the doctrine of karma. In contrast to the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), in Buddhismthere is neither all-powerful God, no eternal soul. The same provisions and denyingthe caste system distinguishes Buddhism from Hinduism and Brahmanism, althoughhe admits the doctrine of karma.
8 Why Buddhism? Seeking out information for a presentation, reading about religions, Buddhisminterested me the most. Judgments put forward by the Buddha of personality, of his own "I". Buddhism as a religion preaches peace, calm, stop the senseless race toshove with the unknown for what purpose. It is these very interesting to me that religion. Seeking out information for a presentation, reading about religions, Buddhisminterested me the most. Judgments put forward by the Buddha of personality, of his own "I". Buddhism as a religion preaches peace, calm, stop the senseless race toshove with the unknown for what purpose. It is these very interesting to me that religion.
9 In every religion there is something interesting, but I chose Buddhism.
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