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2 Four most popular team sportsteam sports football basketball baseball ice hockey
3 Baseball is the oldest of the major American teamsports. Professional baseball dates from 1869 and had no close rivals in popularity until the 1960s; though baseball is no longer the most popular sport it is still referred to as the "national pastimeBaseball
4 Football now attracts more television viewers than baseball; however, National Football League teams play only 16 regular- season games each year, so baseball is the runaway leader in ticket sales National Football League
5 Basketball, invented in Massachusetts by the Canadian-born James Naismith, is another popular sport, represented professionally by the National Basketball Association.Massachusetts James Naismith National Basketball Association
6 Soccer is another popular team sport played in the United States. Soccer is the number one youth participation sport in the U.S. today, more popular even than football, baseball, basketball, or hockey, up to about the age of 13.
7 What is this man?
8 What kind of sport is it?
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