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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЯрослав Барятинский
1 The Present Simple Tense
2 I We You They He She It The Present Simple Tense (Теперішній простий час) V – verb (дієслово) V VsVs write the letter writes the letter Present Simple вживається для вираження звичайної постійної дії, яка відбува.ється взагалі.
3 The Present Simple Tense Questions and negations (питання та заперечення) Допоміжні дієслова Do Does I You We They He She It I like to watch the films about animals I do not (dont) like to watch the films about animals Do I like to watch the films about animals? She likes to watch the films about animals She does not (doesnt) like to watch the films about animals Does she like to watch the films about animals?
4 The Present Simple Tense Для часу the Present Simple характерно вживати наступні слова: Always – завжди Usually – зазвичай Sometimes – іноді Often – часто Seldom – рідко Every day – кожен день week month year summer autumn winter spring I usually go to school by bus She always reads this book They sometimes watch TV He often sings new songs We seldom visit this place You walk with your dog every day
5 Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (Вправи) Встав DO або DOES в речення: … you write this letter? Kate …not read books. They …not like dogs. … he always come to school on time? … they drink coffee every day? He … not like tomato juice. … I usually eat breakfast? … they help their mother? … you go to school every year? Do does do Does Do does Do
6 Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (Вправи) Розкрийте дужки в наступних реченнях: I (to go) to school every day. He often (to help) his father. They usually (to go) to the river. He (to sleep) every day. We (to drink) tea every morning. My mother (not to work) at the office. You (to work) every day? I (not to sleep) in the daytime. What you (to do) every morning? Where they (to go) on Sunday? She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. go helps go sleeps drink doesnt work Do you work dont sleep What do you do Where do they go doesnt drink
7 Exercises with the Present Simple Tense (Вправи) Зробіть речення заперечними : He often speaks English in class. They always come to school on time. Mary eats apples every evening. He doesnt often speak English in class. They dont always come to school on time. Mary doesnt eats apples every evening.
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