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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемЛариса Болотова
1 What does solidarity mean for Estonia? by Sofja Bolšakova class 11A Narva Soldino Gümnaasium
2 Solidarity Solidarity means the integration, and degree,shown by a society or group with people and their neighbours.
3 Solidarity in Estonia. What does it mean? For me it means that everyone has to cooperate, to be tolerant and creative for everyday life. Sophia Senichenkova, 13 years old Maybe its the only way to live just here and now, because the solidarity can exist in multi-cultural society like Estonia or whole Europe. Java Ivleva, 14 years old
4 Solidarity is an angel who walks around the world holding peace in our hearts. Maria Nikitina, 16 years old
5 What does it mean to me? As in the modern Western world solidarity is a very important, it should concern Estonia as well. The main problem of Estonian society is its separate existence. Estonians and Russians live in two different worlds. Sometimes they dont even contact with each other due to problems with languages of both sides, different mentality and perception of external conditions.
6 Estonian citizens are always tolerant and helpful for others
7 Although some European countries claim that Estonian society is absolutely intolerable, actual situation is not so dramatic. Of course, there are many social problems, such as unemployment or low salary, and this often concerns Russian part of society, everyday life in Estonia is very peaceful.
8 I, as a representative of Russian part of society, may say that I dont feel being oppressed. Life in Estonia itself is very calm and quiet. On the other hand, Estonia is always ready to help.
9 Estonian soldiers were sent to Afghanistan and even died there. Estonia helped Greece and Japan financially and morally. People of Estonia often react very sharply on the problems of the modern world.
10 Concerning everything, I would say that Estonian society is solidary.
11 An example of solidarity Taste of Chocolate is a short documentary film made by participants of One World Documentary in Schools International School of Documentary Film 2011, which took place in Rakovice, the Czech Republic.
12 Acknowledgements All quotes, definitions, pictures and paintings in this presentation have been used with permission of the students of Narva Soldino Gümnaasium and Narva Art School.
13 Thank you for attention!
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