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1 Means of communication Galitskikh Liza 8a
2 All of us know about means of communication.
3 More means of communication: PAPER TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH
4 Paper came from China, in the second century BC. The oldest piece of paper in the world is made from hemp. The archaeologists found it in a tomb near Xian, in China. They think the Chinese made it between 140 and 87 BC.
5 February 14, 1876 was a day that changed the history of communication forever. On that day a tall Scotsman, Alexander Graham Bell walked into the New York patent office. He was carrying the drawing of his invention. The invention was able to transmit the sound of the voice by wire over long distances.
6 The first real telephone call was on March 6, 1876, when Bell, in one room, called to his assistant in another room. Come here, Watson, I want you. Watson Heard Bell through a receiver which Bell had connected to the transmitter. After that Bell started his famous company: the Bell Telephone Company. The new invention quickly became popular. A month after Bell invented the telephone, his telephone company had sold only six phones! A year and a half later they had sold 778 telephones. Fifteen years after the invention there were five million phones in America.
7 The word telegraph comes from Greek and means to write far.In other words, it is a communication system transmits signals. In 1835 a professor of arts and design at New York University, Samuel Morse, developed telegraph wires. He also invented Morse code, an electronic alphabet. With the help of that alphabet it was possible to code the letters and sings of a language. Morse gave a public demonstration of his invention in 1838, but it took five more years to get the money for the first experimental telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore.
8 Answer TRUE or FALSE. Paper came from Turkey. Samuel Morse invented the electronic alphabet. The archaeologists found the oldest piece of paper in a tomb. February 14,1876 was the day when Rowland Hill invented the first stamp. FALSE TRUE FALSE
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