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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемРуслан Головачёв
1 Intellectual Game «Что наша жизнь? – Игра!» Гёте («Фауст»)
2 The USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Russia
4 Where do the President and the Administration represent the executive branch of power? 1313 In the USA click the clock
5 What kind of state is the Russian Federation? 33 a presidential republic click the clock
6 What institution represents the legislative branch of power in the USA? 1111 Congress click the clock
7 Who represents the British monarch in Australia and New Zealand? 11 Governor General Governor General click the clock
8 When was the Russian Constitution adopted? 1212 In 1993 click the clock
9 ZZ In the USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and in Russia Where does the legislative institution consists of two houses? ZERO – your points are doubled click the clock
10 Where is there the system of checks and balances? 44 In the USA click the clock
11 What is the lower house in the Federal Assembly? The Duma click the clock
12 Where is the Prime Ministers name David Cameron? 1818 In the UK click the clock
13 Where are there such houses as the Senate and the House of Representatives? In the USA and Australia click the clock
14 What countries are the members of the British Commonwealth? 22 Australia, New Zealand click the clock
15 What are the names of the houses in the British Parliament? 55 The House of Lords and the House of Commons click the clock
16 66 What institution represents the judicial branch of power in Russia and in the USA? The Supreme Court 10 points click the clock
17 How many members are there in the Senate of the USA? click the clock
18 Where are there peers? 1717 In the British House of Lords click the clock
19 The Beatles All together now Music Pause
20 What is the Shadow Cabinet? 88 The opposition click the clock
21 What activity is the British Queen involved? 99 She gives the royal assent. click the clock
22 When was Queen Elizabeth II born: a) in 1926; b) in 1931; c) in 1921? click the clock
23 Since what age citizens have the right to vote in all the 5 countries? 1010 Since 18 click the clock
24 Блиц 3. What institution represents the legislative branch of power in Russia? 1. Who is the President in the USA? ББ Barack Obama Barack Obama the Federal Assembly the Federal Assembly 2. How many institutions does the system of checks and balances consist of? 3: the President, Congress, the Supreme Court 3: the President, Congress, the Supreme Court click the clock
25 Использованные ресурсы : Использованные ресурсы : Шаблон для игры Кугут И. А., учителя географии МОУ СОШ 32 «Эврика-развитие» г. Волжского Волгоградской области. Алексеев Е., Белкин В., Курмашева Н., Поташев М., Тюрикова И. « Что? Где? Когда? Ваш путь к успеху ».- Москва: Айрис Пресс,2000. Тюрикова И., Пехлецкий С., Молчанов В., Бражников С. « Своя игра ». – Москва: Терра, 1997 Консультант по техническим вопросам – С.В. Боровлёва, учитель русского языка литературы МОУ СОШ 2 г. Амурска Made by Antonenko Irina Grigorievna Secondary Comprehensive School 2 Amursk, Khabarovsky krai January, 2010
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