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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемГавриил Мукаев
1 Theoretical investigation of microstrip transmission lines and resonators on artificial magnetic media I. A. Kolmakov, IEEE member St.-Petersburg Electrotecnical University St.-Petersburg, Russia International Student Seminar on Microwave Applications of Novel Physical Phenomena 26 – 27 May 2003 Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland
2 1. Artificial magnetic media (AM) [1] J.B. Pendry and all, Magnetism from conductors and enhanced nonlinear phenomena, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 2075–2084, In 1999 the AM was presented by Pendry [1]. Condition for dimension of the unit cell a : A square array of metallic cylinders (a), cylinders with a split ring structure (b) and split ring resonators (c).
3 3 An effective magnetic permeability ( eff ) of the lattice of infinite cylinders and system of two splitted cylinders where is the fraction of the unit cell not internal to a cylinder, is loss factor. 1. Artificial magnetic media (AM)
4 2. Realisation of AM by LTCC technology Advantages and disadvantages of LTCC tecnology low cost; up to 10 layers; wide range of dielectrics with different values of permittivity ( r =5..9, tan ); conducting materials with high conductivity low accuracy and repetition in comparison with traditional thin film technology; the smallest width of conductor = 25 m 4 LTCC material (HeraTape CT2000 by Heraeus Inc.) with r = 9.2, tan = and thickness of the layer h=99 m was chosen.
5 3. Numerical results 5 Transmission characteristic of SRR L = 1.2mm, w = s = 0.1mm, g = 0.2mm. 0.3 mm Set of SRR under investigation 0.3 mm
6 6 Frequency response of the transmission line (TL) on AM and TL on the dielectric substrate with the same thickness. The width of TL is w =0.4mm with Z 0 =50 in observed frequency region 3. Numerical results
7 7 a) b) a) Transmission characteristics of MSR on AM (curves 1,2 and 3) and MSR on dielectric substarate with the same thickness (curves 1,2 and 3). b) Scaled 3D view of the structure and layout of MSR (t = 0.1mm, w = 0.4mm, l 1 = 4.7mm, l 2 = 4.5mm and l 3 = 4.3 mm) Results of simulation of transmission characteristic of microstrip resonator (MSR) on AM 3. Numerical results
8 8 β f 0 f 2 (1) f 1 (1) Dispersion diagram of AM
9 9 4. Conclusion LTCC technology gives ability to produce low cost multilayer microwave devices; In millimeter-wave frequency region, accuracy of LTCC technology may be not enough and must be analyzed; The structures under investigation has specific resonant response, which can be explained as effects of AM.
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