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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемТатьяна Немцова
2 (Ukrainian Mikola Kornilovich Pimonenko, March 9, March 26, 1912) - Ukrainian artist, author of many paintings on the Ukrainian national themes. The artist's works in the form of poeticised depict the life and work of the Ukrainian people, its genre scene paintings are often combined with the scenery. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions (since 1899: from exponent).
3 Pimonenko Nicholas was born in the suburbs of Kiev - Priorka family tradesman, a woodcarver, the master icon workshop Cornelius Pimonenk о. Studied icons in the icon painting school of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
4 January 1, 1897 for the image of St. Nicholas and Alexandra in the Holy Cathedral of St. Vladimir of Kiev was awarded the Order of St. Anna Emperor III degree
6 Vechoriye
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