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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемКирилл Бойко
1 Henry Ford Henry was a man who transformed the world. He was a symbol of industrial technology.
2 Ford himself came from an ordinary family. He was born in 1863 on a farm, near Detroit, USA. He hated farming and he liked machines.
3 When he was 16, he went to Detroit to work in a machine shop. He changed different jobs and learned how different machines are operated. He began his experiment with machines at home. He consulted different specialists and in 1896 he built an automobile that could reach a speed of 25 miles per hour. Ford organized the Detroit Automobile Company in It produced cars for 2 years and after that it was closed.
4 In 1903, when Henry Ford was 40, he established the Ford Motor Company. At that time the automobile was a toy of the rich. Henry Ford decided to change the situation.
5 The company produced the Model T Ford in It was small and even people who were not rich could buy it. So Ford reached the aim of his life. At first the price of the car was 850 US dollars. But in 1916 it was 360. Ford could do this because he invented an assembly line.
6 The assembly line was a revolution in cars production. Ford also paid his workers 5.00 US dollars per day. It was unheard of in Ford attracted both national and international attention.
7 Henry Ford had more than 1 billion US dollars. He spent more than 40 million dollars on charities. He established the Ford Foundation that supported different programmes in education and culture.
8 Ford's ideas became popular in the world. He was a technological genius. His ideas changed the world.
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