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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемНаталия Дубасова
4 Washington What is the capital of the USA? New York Philadelphia Boston
6 100 How many congressmen sit at the Senate ?
8 What is the capital of Great Britain ? London WalesScotland England
10 How does the flag of the USA refer to? The Stars and Strips Star Square White Stars
12 1787 When was the constitution of the USA written ?
14 1776 When was the declaration of independence signed ?
16 3 How many branches of authority are there in the USA? 15 7
18 Kilt What is the Scottish skirt called? Square Strip Multi-coloure skirt
20 John Kennedy What president was killed in 1963 on November, 22 nd ? Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Harry Trummen
22 Lincoln Whose memorial is located in Washington? ReaganTrummen Johnson
24 44 How many presidents have there been in the USA so far?
26 Washington The first president of the United States … Jefferson Monroe Adams
28 Elephant What is the symbol of the Republican party? Cat Rabbit Dog
30 13 How many states were there in the USA when the States were founded?
32 Pocahontas What famous politician was represented in a cartoon film named in his honour? Franklin Roosevelt George Washington John Kennedy
50 New York Washington
51 450100
52 EnglandLondon
53 The Stars and StripsWhite Stars
56 13
57 SquareKilt
58 Richard NixonJohn Kennedi
59 LincolnTrumen
60 4244
61 WashingtonAdams
62 DogElephant
63 138
64 PocahontasJohn Kennedi
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