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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемБорис Михалков
1 FOOD Презентация по теме «Food», УМК М.З.Биболетовой 3 класс Подготовила Фомина Е.И., учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия 22» г.Белгорода
2 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? WE ARE GOING … WE ARE GOING … to read to write to speak to learn new words to review new words to learn new grammar material to review new grammar material читать писать говорить учить новые слова повторять новые слова познакомиться с новой грамматикой повторять грамматику
3 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Can you sing? 4. Can you dance? 5. Can you play chess? 6. Have you got a pet?
4 [e] eggs, bread [æ] ham [ei] cake [u:] juice [i:] cheese, sweets [i] milk, fish
5 New words: milk bread egg ham fish juicebuttercheesesweetcake
6 Bread, cakes, sweets, Ham, eggs, cheese, Milk, fish, juice, What the news?
7 What is it?
8 New words: milk m l k молоко bread bred хлеб egg e g яйцо ham h m ветчина fish f рыба juice s сок butter b t масло cheese z сыр sweet s w i:t конфета cake k k торт, пирожное [] [] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ´
9 Do you like…? -Yes, I do. -No, I dont. tomato juice coffee tea milk cocoa orange juice carrot juice
10 - Would you like some…? -Yes, please. -No, thank you. milk fish ham butter cheese corn soup porridge bread meat jam coffee tea
11 I have for breakfast for dinner for supper
12 LEARN THE RHYME : Our school is very good. We have here tasty food: pizza, bacon, salad, ham, porridge,sausage, soup and jam, milk and coffee, juice and tea For my teachers, friends and me.
13 What do they like? Что они любят? Bears like Ann likes I like We like Rabbits like Monkeys like Birds like Carlson likes Squirrels like Mice like
14 What would they like? Что бы они хотели? Alice would like some Tom would like some Children would like some The baby would like some I would like some
15 The hamster would like some The fox would like some The bear would like some The mouse would like some The dog would like some What would they like? Что бы они хотели?
16 Milk or sugar? The tea is hot. Are you thirsty? No, I am not. Bread and butter, Honey and jam. Are you hungry? Yes, I am! sugar - сахар hot - горячий Are you thirsty? - Tы хочешь пить? Are you hungry? - Ты голодный? Learn the rhyme :
17 mah kilm ofecef tae cejiu ham milk coffee tea juice Guess what each word is
18 shif pous ronc amet derba fish soup corn meat bread Guess what each word is
19 tocarr yohen gepdiror tertub esehec carrot honey porridge butter cheese Guess what each word is
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