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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВасилий Холоневский
1 Geriatric Emergencies Temple College EMS Professions
2 Demographic Imperative Persons >65 = Fasting growing age group By 2030, geriatric patients will: Comprise 22% of population Account for 70% of ambulance transports
3 Effects of Aging
4 Cardiovascular System Speed, force of myocardial contraction decreases Cardiac conducting system deteriorates Resistance to peripheral blood flow rises, elevating systolic blood pressure Blood vessels lose ability to constrict, dilate efficiently What effects will these changes have on ability to compensate for shock? For heat and cold exposure?
5 Respiratory System Respiratory muscles lose strength; rib cage calcifies, becomes more rigid Respiratory capacity decreases Gas exchange across alveolar membrane slows Cough, gag reflexes diminish increasing risk of aspiration, lower airway infection What will be the consequences of these changes during chest trauma? How will they affect the patient with acute respiratory disease such as pneumonia?
6 Musculoskeletal System Osteoporosis develops, especially in females Spinal disks narrow, resulting in kyphosis Joints lose flexibility, become more susceptible to repetitive stress injury Skeletal muscle mass decreases What effect do these changes have on incidence and severity of orthopedic trauma?
7 Nervous System Brain weight of decreases 6 to 7% Brain size decreases Cerebral blood flow declines 15 to 20% Nerve conduction slows up to 15% What effect will decreased nerve conduction have on pain sensation and reaction time?
8 Gastrointestinal System Senses of taste, smell decline Gums, teeth deteriorate Saliva flow decreases Cardiac sphincter loses tone, esophageal reflux becomes more common Peristalsis slows Absorption from GI tract slows What effects can these changes have on the nutrition of older persons?
9 Renal System Renal blood flow decreases 50% Functioning nephrons decrease 30 to 40% What effect will these changes have on ability to eliminate drugs from the body?
10 Integumentary System Dermis thins by 20% Sweat glands decrease; sweating decreases What effect will this have on: Severity of burn injuries? Wound healing? Cold and heat tolerance?
11 Geriatric Assessment
12 Factors Complicating Assessment Variability Older people differ from one another more than younger people do Physiological age is more important than chronological age
13 Factors Complicating Assessment Response to illness Seek help for only small part of symptoms Perceive symptoms as just getting old Delay seeking treatment Trivialize chief complaints
14 Factors Complicating Assessment Presence of multiple pathologies 85% have one chronic disease; 30% have three or more One systems acute illness stresses others reserve capacity One diseases symptoms may mask anothers One diseases treatment may mask anothers symptoms
15 Factors Complicating Assessment Altered presentations Diminished, absent pain Depressed temperature regulation Depressed thirst mechanisms Confusion, restlessness, hallucinations Generalized deterioration Vague, poorly-defined complaints
16 Factors Complicating Assessment The Organs of the Aged Do Not Cry!
17 Factors Complicating Assessment Communication problems Diminished sight Diminished hearing Diminished mental faculties Depression Poor cooperation, limited mobility
18 Factors Complicating Assessment Polypharmacy Too many drugs! 30% of geriatric hospitalizations drug induced
19 History Taking Probe for significant complaints Chief complaint may be trivial, non-specific Patient may not volunteer information
20 History Taking Dealing with communication difficulties Talk to patient first If possible, talk to patient alone Formal, respectful approach Position self near middle of visual field Do not assume deafness or shout Speak slowly, enunciate clearly
21 History Taking Do NOT assume confused or disoriented patient is just senile!
22 History Taking Obtain thorough medication history More than one doctor More than one pharmacy Multiple medications Old vs. current medications Shared medications Over-the-counter medications
23 Physical Exam Examine in warm area May fatigue easily May have difficulty with positioning Consider modesty Decreased pain sensation requires thorough exam
24 Physical Exam If they say it hurts, it probably REALLY hurts! EXAMINE CAREFULLY
25 Physical Exam Misleading findings Inelastic skin mimics decreased turgor Mouth breathing gives impression of dehydration Inactivity, dependent position of feet may cause pedal edema Rales in lung bases may be non-pathologic Peripheral pulses may be difficult to feel
26 Cardiovascular Disease
27 Acute Myocardial Infarction Silent MI more common Commonly presents with dyspnea only May present with signs, symptoms of acute abdomen--including tenderness, rigidity
28 Acute Myocardial Infarction Possibly just vague symptoms Weakness Fatigue Syncope Incontinence Confusion TIA/CVA
29 Acute Myocardial Infarction If adding chest pain to their list of symptoms would make you think MI, ITS AN MI!
30 Congestive Heart Failure May present as nocturnal confusion Large fluid-filled blisters may develop on legs, especially if patient sleeps sitting up Bed-ridden patients may have fluid over sacral areas rather than feet, legs
31 Respiratory Disease
32 Pulmonary Edema Fluid in lungs Causes include CHF Myocardial infarction Heart valve disease Signs/Symptoms Orthopnea Coughing Pink, frothy sputum Rales, wheezing
33 Pulmonary Embolism Blockage of pulmonary blood vessels Most common cause is blood clots from lower extremities Suspect in any patient with sudden onset of dyspnea when cause cannot be quickly identified
34 Pneumonia Lung infection Common in elderly due to aspiration, decreased immune function Possibly atypical presentations Absence of cough, fever Abdominal rather than chest pain Altered mental status
35 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 5 th leading cause of death in males 55 to 75 Consider possible spontaneous pneumo in COPD patient who suddenly decompensates What would you assess to determine if spontaneous pneumothorax is present?
36 Neuropsychiatric Disease
37 Dementia/Altered Mental Status Distinguish between acute, chronic onset Never assume acute dementia or altered mental status is due to senility Ask relatives, other caregivers what baseline mental status is
38 Dementia/Altered Mental Status Head injury with subdural hematoma Alcohol, drug intoxication, withdrawal Tumor CNS Infections Electrolyte imbalances Cardiac failure Hypoglycemia Hypoxia Drug interactions Possible Causes
39 Cerebrovascular Accident Emboli, thrombi more common CVA/TIA signs often subtledizziness, behavioral change, altered affect Headache, especially if localized, is significant TIAs common; 1/3 progress to CVA Stroke-like symptoms may be delayed effect of head trauma
40 Seizures All first time seizures in elderly are dangerous Possible causes CVA Arrhythmias Infection Alcohol, drug withdrawal Tumors Head trauma Hypoglycemia Electrolyte imbalance
41 Syncope Morbidity, mortality higher Consider Cardiogenic causes (MI, arrhythmias) Transient ischemic attack Drug effects (beta blockers, vasodilators) Volume depletion
42 Depression Common problem May account for symptoms of senility Persons >65 account for 25% of all suicides Treat as immediate life threat!
43 Trauma
44 Head Injury More likely, even with minor trauma Signs of increased ICP develop slowly Patient may have forgotten injury, delayed presentation may be mistaken for CVA What change in the elderly accounts for increased ICPs slower onset?
45 Cervical Injury Osteoporosis, narrow spinal canal increase injury risk from trivial forces Sudden neck movements may cause cord injury without fracture Decreased pain sensation may mask pain of fracture
46 Hypovolemia & Shock Decreased ability to compensate Progress to irreversible shock rapidly Tolerate hypoperfusion poorly, even for short periods
47 Hypovolemia & Shock Hypoperfusion may occur at normal pressures Medications (beta blockers) may mask signs of shock Why can older persons be hypoperfusing at a normal blood pressure?
48 Positioning & Packaging May have to be modified to accommodate physical deformities
49 Environmental Emergencies
50 Tolerate temperature extremes poorly Contributing factors Cardiovascular disease Endocrine disease Poor nutrition Drug effects Low, fixed incomes
51 Environmental Emergencies HIGH INDEX OF SUSPICION Any patient with altered LOC or vague presentation in hot or cool environment
52 Geriatric Abuse & Neglect
53 Physical, psychological injury of older person by their children or care providers Knows no socioeconomic bounds
54 Geriatric Abuse & Neglect Contributing factors Advanced age: average mid-80s Multiple chronic diseases Patient lacks total dependence Sleep pattern disturbances leading to nocturnal wandering, shouting Family has difficulty upholding commitments
55 Geriatric Abuse & Neglect Primary findings Trauma inconsistent with history History that changes with multiple tellings
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