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Презентация была опубликована 9 лет назад пользователемВалерия Астрецова
1 Pamela Faber University of Granada (Spain)
2 The activity of formally describing aspects of the physical and social world for purposes of understanding and communication.
3 Depends on: needs of the potential users or stakeholders domain characteristics objectives to be achieved
4 cemento Zement ciment cement Concept Object Term Terminology: concept and term
5 Graphical representation of a concept system [expert + specialized thesauri + intuition] In Terminology resources? – Very minor role if present at all
6 Psychological and neurological adequacy Knowledge of conceptualization processes Organization of semantic information in the brain
7 Abstract, amodal representations Unrelated to: – Human and contextual factor of processors – Focus of attention – Spatiotemporal situation
8 Representations do not respond to needs or expectations Mental representations richer than mainstream conceptual trees Dynamicity of conceptualization
9 Situated or grounded cognition – Interactions between sensorimotor systems and the physical world Processing an object – Capturing of property information on sensory modalities
10 Neural systems for vision, action, touch, taste and emotion – partial reenactment of the perceivers experience of a peach
11 Perception triggers simulations of potential actions – Cups – Hammers – Pencils – Food
12 Hockey experiment – experts produced motor simulations absent in novices – information regarding simulated interaction is a vital part of conceptual meaning
13 Concepts typically situated in background situations or events Context is all-important in KR In the perception of an entity, the perceiver also perceives the space surrounding it
14 Induced by an agent Affects the Earths surface Causes solids to move away
15 Concepts not processed in isolation – situated in background situations and events Object concepts are dynamic – part of a frame that includes action that they participate in
16 Knowledge acquisition – simulation of human interaction with objects Importance of non-hierarchical relations – defining goal, purpose, affordances, use of an object, etc.
17 Dynamic contextualization of concepts Adapted version of Fillmores Frames Definitional templates and situated representations EcoLexicon: –
18 Event Representation
19 Extreme event
21 Concepts produce many different situated conceptualizations Context – dynamic construct that triggers or restricts knowledge
22 Hurricane
23 Represented dynamically as parts of events Focal properties and relations with other concepts Their role in a use-event (manipulation)
24 Subtype of Instrument Generic of marigraph, pluviograph, anemograph, etc. Part of recording-event Activation of simulation frame
25 Pluviograph
26 Specialized knowledge concepts are activated as part of an event – Knowledge resources should present concepts in event contexts
27 Knowledge acquisition requires simulation – Need for greater focus on horizontal relations defining goal, purpose, affordance, and result of the manipulation and use of an object
28 Thank you for your attention
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